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😻 You boy are so good to Miss Wendy.

😻 Can’t wait to open this up and read to you.

😻 I might even do it live...if I can find some privacy.

😻 I simply need to decide what to read.

😻 Hmmm...

Decisions...Decisions. πŸ˜‰




Looking forward to hearing the reading, Miss Wendy, whether live or not.


Definitely can't wait for you to enjoy the new toy. I'm sure you'll pick a good story to read to us.


I can not wait to be part of a new exciting experience Miss Wendy.


Do you need ayes as proof? As an outsider, miss Wendy, I think approval is not sought from anyone else but you. I bow...


I’m looking forward to feeling good for you pet. Thank you for gifting me with a fun toy. πŸ’‹


I had to put it out of sight, I’m really looking forward to using it for you. πŸ˜‰


Mmmm...thank you darling. For already being a part of this experience. You bought me a naughty toy to explore. Grrrrr


I will be asking for your ears pet. As proof. 😈 Do that for me. Listen to me use the toy you bought me.


In a way I want you to read something smooth, beautiful and erotic... but in another way I kind of want to hear you read something completely off-the-wall like a Shakespearean monologue or The Tragedy of Darth Plagueis the Wise. Regardless, I look forward to it Miss Wendy.