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🐣 One of the pieces I am reading at the dungeon explorers what you would cook for a date. Implies that there is a language to that choice.

🐣 An implication of intent.

🐣 I am curious. What would you make?

Written by Gabriel Davis
Editing by Miss Wendy

Looking for something in particular...look HERE for the AirTable

Tags: 18+ Exclusive NSFW dungeon fxm narrative quiche slice-of-life

(if you listen to this and would like to add all the fun tags to help others find things, leave me a comment my studious darling)

Side note: Now that I have been reading these pieces to you, I am sure you will be on my mind when I am performing live. Kinda makes it extra exciting in my mind.




A classic bolognese. Fresh ingredients, hand made pasta and a red wine to pair it with. Then le bete noir; a flour-less chocolate cake made with heaps of dark chocolate, with a raspberry sauce to help cut through the richness of the cake.


I'm not really a great cook and haven't had any other experience, but I think I would try to do some sort of pasta. Simple enough, with chicken being the being the protein in it. Not too hard to make garlic bread also. But if it was with a friend that some stuff has happened with, well, she's more a cheese curds, beer, and nachos kind of gal, so definitely eating out. And thank you for a little more glimpse into your life, can't wait until next time.


If any of the fishmongers near where I live sold monkfish I would have said a monkfish curry. But since I can't get fresh monkfish I would probably say Thai green curry. I have no idea what I would do for desert since thats not something I don't eat it myself though.


*sigh* I'm used to download audios and listen on my mobile to it, but I don't find a way to download it. Have Patreon changed something, are I'm too silly or is that a configuration of the creators? Before I could listen to this, I can't say, what I want to cook.


Lol...cheese curds, beer, and nachos does say friend with benefits doesn't? Pasta and garlic bread...worked in "Lady and the Tramp" so I think you might be onto a winning combination. All that sucking...mmmmhmmmm.


What? Monkfish curry? I have never even sorta had that. So...extra points for exotic. Curry is amazing. Do you make yours spicy? Not really a sweet fan Slut Buttons?? Maybe that is why you like me so much...lol.


*LOL* You changed your screen name! I was so amazed, that you doesn't do it immediately as you were aware of the error. But I totally understand, that you've done this. (EDIT: I've looked the whole time at this word 'errow' and knew, there is something wrong with it, I couldn't find out).


I’m so annoyed that I didn’t notice the error before. This whole...putting words out into the world as a dyslexic is challenging me to be ok with falling on my face a bit. 😜


I said, so: As a vegetarian, I don't cook meat. I know, that meat could taste fine. I wasn't a vegetarian all the time, and if I get the opportunity to taste something new, I'm not a vegetarian :-) One of the last times, it was in North Sweden. I haven't taste reindeer before. So I ordered reindeer. And I got reindeer, with reindeer and reindeer and noodles. I don't want to eat reindeer anymore.


And now to the menu: At first a soup with Sherry and mushrooms. There is a lot of cheese in it. At second, corn salad, with fried potatos and oranges. After that, there are some noodles with a souce of spinach and walnuts. And at the end vanilla ice with rasberries. It shouldn't be a heavy meal. I have plans.


Plans...that require a light, but interesting menu. I do love 🍄...and vanilla ice cream flavored kisses. Yum.


Hmmmm, how about starting off with some nice Tapas followed by turkey breast marinated with an onion-cream-sauce baked in the oven. To round things up, I would serve a nice white wine. As dessert, I could think of some danish crispy cream.


A bit of a heavier meal. Standing beef roast cooked to a sexy juicy rare pink, thick gooey egg noodles on garlic mashed potatoes, yams candied in brown sugar and butter, and for dessert a warm slice of homemade black raspberry pie topped with a dip of succulent vanilla ice cream. As the warm pie and ice cream meld together they form a luscious syrup on the plate and after I watch you devour it I would come to you and taste it on your lips, unbuttoning your blouse and pulling it over your shoulders, I would pick up that plate and drizzle the raspberry syrup over your breasts and belly and then clean it all off of you slowly working my way......that would be your dinner and my dessert.


Oh my...so very sexy. I’m ummm...yes...pie is a good look on me. Yes. Make sure you clean up your mess darling. 🥰


As someone living near the sea, I would cook some sea food. Something like fresh mussles for example. Cooked in coconut milk with spring onions, lemongrass, ginger, garlic and one little chilli to make it spicier. Rice or white bread as a side dish. To drink there would be home brewed mead that´s not too sweet. Like hop mead with a strong taste, but good to refresh the taste buds. During the meal, you would have to use your hands to open a clam. Looking at each other while you use your lips, tongue and teeth to get the meat of the mussles and afterwards lick over the tip of your fingers to clean them up...or have your date do it for you. I would choose sweet and little fruits like berries and grapes for dessert. We would put them in each other's mouths before the evening ends with a very hot workout.