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🔥 I wonder what would happen if I didn't want to be in charge for once.

🔥 Do you think that would excite you?

🔥 Would you be ready?

🔥 Have you thought this through enough to even know what you'd want me to do?

🔥 I do love experimenting...so...

Be a good boy and make me into your good girl.

🔥 Just this once.

Script by throughst
Editing by Miss Wendy

Looking for something in particular...look HERE for the AirTable

Tags: 18+ NSFW after-care breath-play comfort early-access fdom first-time fsub fxm gfe good-boy immersive kink-acceptance pet-names role-play sweet switch teasing

(if you listen to this and would like to add all the fun tags to help others find things, leave me a comment my studious darling)




Had my attention as soon as I saw the title of this audio. Mmm, the thought of calling you my good girl, just this once...


Loved this we all have to let our imagination run wild now and again x


*shaking my heads* Yesterday, I envolved those phantatasies and today you released this audio. I'll listen to it pretty soon. That you offer this, sounds now like a challenge. Sounds like, 'come on, you know, you can't take me'. Right now, I feel like a coward. But wait for it - girl. *grrr* Are you sure, you can even be a good girl? Hmmm?


This was a strange audio to listen to... I didn't think I would hear you calling anyone Sir. I think I'm too much of a sub to truly appreciate this audio and I mostly listened out of curiosity but your performance was superb as per usual Miss Wendy.


When I read your message...I knew you were going to find this one synchronous to your fantasy. Rather fun I think. Don’t be afraid...I’m small and non-threatening. Promise. 😈


I get it. I think we all must live on a spectrum between D/s and you and I only have that 5% of the opposite side for a fluke encounter. Thanks for listening and offering feedback. 💋


That was a different experience than normal. Not bad, but definitely different. Although to be honest I would have to be told to Dom, but I am a people pleaser so as long as someone cums, all good. Thank you Miss Wendy for another newish experience. Now be a good girl and enjoy your day for us 😉.


Lol...so bossy. 😉 I’ll make today amazing. Promise. It was interesting for me to create as well. I can imagine doing that. Handing over control. I’ve just never done it. Might be a thing I should explore. Sometime. Now be a good boy and make your day fantastic as well pet.


I work nights, so I don't have much of my day left. But I'll try to make it greater.


I feel like I learned more about being a sub than a Dom with this one lol👍. Thanks for the amazing times, little Miss Wendy


I think you're right about the spectrum and while listening to something new isn't bad, I'm happy we both ended up at the ends of the spectrum that we did. I was also kinda curious if you were a switch after this audio. But seeing as you pretty much answered that I think it makes your performance in this audio better, at least in my opinion granted I may not be the best judge.

Gary R

How is it you make me fall in love with your voice more and more every single time I listen to you? You are the most outstanding woman I've ever had the pleasure of listening to


Let me continue to wrap around you. Snuggle you. Penetrating you. It’s a gift...a gift you give ME. Thank you Gary. For listening. 🥰

Gary R

It's like a warm blanket on a cold day ☺️ thank you Miss Wendy, for creating 😍

Sarah Wong

This made my switchy heart cry with glee ♥️ Thank you Ms. Wendy


Really glad you switched it up with this one ;) (pun intended). It felt good to be in control for a change


I've listen now. I totally knew, before listen to this, that there is something totally wrong with this audio. You mentioned it at the beginning: "topping from the bottom". I don't like that. That's turns me off. But, to your amusement, I have to say: it perfektly worked. I like it, when you say "Yes Sir", but ... 10 Minutes (don't know, couldn't check the clock) after I listen to this, I was still a greedy, horny, mess that wants to cum so badly; but you didn't make me cum. Groaning and moaning, trusting my hips up and down, uncontrollable body movements and all that fancy stuff. And now I'm horny like - don't know. You totally owned me. Girl - you are standing still there in the middle of the room, blindfolded your hands are bond behind your back. I don't dare to touch you. Perhaps, I should remove the blindfold and let you free... Did I say girl? I mean...


Seeing(hearing) how it's done are my favorite way(s) to learn. Experiencing the building anticipation, pleasure from the dom perspective brings a certain appreciation for subbing. (I might be lazy :x)


Oh my Jesus Christ, yes Miss Wendy. But now you’re back in charge.


I think, I haven't seen, this username before. You are a new Patreon? Thanks, that's one more step to the hysterical reading.


I’m not sure what you mean?


Lol...gleefully being dominated sounds like an experience. 😉 Thank you for enjoying the switch.


Just waiting...and watching...as you make up your mind. Not a bad strategy. I’m not sure how much of a good girl I’d be in that situation but my gut instinct says I’d be a brat. 😉


I tell you what. You stay there. Even a brat has needs and greed. I'm curious.


Yes, thanks for translation. Here you can read more about it. https://www.reddit.com/user/WendysLostBoys/comments/ettzkf/1000k_followers/. Wendy, did you mentioned that the song "Pure Morning" of Placebo has the words "stormy" and "leather" in it? I think, this has some meaning. And about the toy, at the moment I think of one pet of you and you are only allowed to give him one order: "Spoil my body".


Yes. Yes I did. But also with your permission.


To ramble, I’m coming to terms with being a switch. When I was a teen or so, the terms Dom, sub, switch... I wouldn’t have gotten it. Sex was making love. But then things changed, of course, and I thought I was or should be Dominant. In fact, I remember I went on a date with this woman (I even remember her name) and she insisted that, based on my personality, that I was submissive. At the time I was hurt (toxic masculinity, probably), but part of me regrets exploring that more. But now... I’ve come to realize that I can/do enjoy both. And it’s less about % as it is about... the person that I’m with (or, I suppose, listening to). All that said, I’d always want Miss Wendy (or any woman, but just since we’re talking about a specific scenario/audio...) to feel safe. I’m not sure if that’s a turn-off for subs? But yeah... I really, _really_, loved that Miss Wendy explicitly gave her permission.


"You will never fail to have throughly thought something through." We both know, that's not true. But I like to hear you to say such wrong things to me, because it feels good and make me proud. Your hands bound behind your back, you can't touch me, your brown eyes are blindfolded, you can't look at me. I didn't gagged your mouth. And why should I do that? I'm much too drawn to your voice, but your voice is one thing, that brings me in danger. I'm well conditioned to "steam" and "ice" and the trigger word "baby" is growing. I'm sure, it would work perfect now - me and you in the same room. You would hear me pant, moan and scream. You see, I've not thought this trough. Indeed, I showed you just, how silly I could be. Girl, I really fantasize to dominate you sometimes, especial the denial stuff tends to make me angry. I have to think this over much more better to find a way. But I hope, you know, I would never hurt you, even if I'm furious. *removing your blindfold, releasing your hands, kneel down in front of you* I know, I made a big mistake. Do whatever you want. *sigh*


Yes, I'm definitely not used to talking in a commanding way though. But I have a few things in mind that I'd want ;)