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Sorry this month has really gotten away from me. It has been one thing after another. I put 2 comics on hold while I attempted to make some halloween scenes which then took longer than expected as i'm still working on the main one. I then remembered that I had also created a new character I had wanted to introduce around halloween. So I made some quick renders of her alone and along with Jenika this week. So here she is, I'm still tweaking her a bit as i've been working on her for a few months now.

I plan to release the other Halloween full scene as soon as it's completed. Then my plan is to get back on working on the 2 comics I had put on hold. So I apologize for the delay but between getting sick and life being so chaotic lately, i've been very busy. I'm trying my best to keep new content coming. 

Thank you all kindly for understanding.




It’s all good buddy. These times suck and everything is too damned expensive. But i’m stayin’ with you as long as I can, and I appreciate the entertainment you provide us. 👍


It’s good to know that you are still with us and recovering from whatever laid you low. 🤞