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So as I had decided to create a set of returning characters last week, I figured I would give everyone a preview of the progress I've made with them so far. This has been very challenging to make the perfect set of girls, as i've been trying to make each one as very detailed as possible and i'm still doing tweaks here and there but here are some of the more complete girls. 

I still have a few renders that are finishing up on my old computer that will be posted this week, but I should be starting my new renders with this cast of characters starting next week. I will be also creating bios and a backstory for each of these characters. If any of you have any suggestions for backstories, style, or anything for the upcoming characters please feel free to comment or send me a message and if I like the idea then i'll be sure to include them. 




Looks great! Just wondering is it possible to vary the bodies? They all have similar body types and heights, any variations coming?


Yes they will have different heights and shapes, I will also have a couple of small breasted girls and a couple with large breasts for some variety. I also plan to have some older women as well.