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So i started playing around with some things and created this last night, and think she may be a signature character....any suggestions for scene ideas?




I'm amazed by the realism of your sets...How long did it take you to reach this point in your expertise? I shoot for a living and been holding off on composites for a while but seeing the work these days? I'm amazed. Do you have any monster models? Cuz I'd like to see this scene go dark... I keep going back to this movie I saw TOO young as a kid, Wicked City. https://youtu.be/LyF15X80-fg?t=2265 Anyways, wherever you decide to take this, I'm sure it'll be good!


i've been at this for a little over a year now, it's honestly my only hobby and i'm always learning new things. I actually do have some monster models, and have been working on something recently with them, that I hope to have done by friday.