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This was a fun one to edit. There may be YouTube ads running on it, but I really wanted to use "Summerboy" by Lady Gaga, so forgive me haha. Enjoy the vlog!


Summer Boys | VLOG 11.4


2020k RJ Kozain

Is the bag to let the flavors all marinate with each other orrrr..? That's on my list of things to Google tonight. Also, Summerboys is the #1 most criminally underrated Lady Gaga song.


My favorite quote from Alister this episode about 2:59 "I'm already self conscious cuz everybody out there is ......... Hot"


Alastair not realizing that he is one of the hot guys at the beach that other people are looking at.


This is one of my favorite AZB videos of all time -- sooo many memorable parts, from the elevator mixup to Zachary not knowing how to get that necklace off to the seagull. Easily 10/10.