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Currently getting everything sorted to release the reactions I promised earlier this week, answering messages, and will have a post regarding details for tomorrow’s game night going out today too. Stay tuned!

Keep reading for the details of my trip:

Flew Spirit for like $40 + carry-on. It was a tight squeeze, and sometimes felt like the pilot was doing doughnuts, but I made it safe and sound. Stayed with Troy. We saw Crossroads in theaters for the first time since I was a 7-year-old kid who walked my barefoot ass to the movies alone and sat right in the front row. Seeing it this time with friends and a room full of people who knew every word was a magical experience. There was even a girl sitting next to us who, after the movie, popped her head over and said she recognized Troy from his voice. The next day… the book came out. The Woman In Me by Miss Britney Spears. We spent the morning listening to the audiobook, and finished it later that day. Absolutely love it. It’s not as in-depth as I hoped, but truly an example of someone telling the story they want without feeding any entitlement others feel. Made sure to grab my copy in-store too. Made sure to also see my favorite It-Girl of NYC, Melissa Rich, herself. A night out with her never disappoints. At one point, she comes up to Troy and I and tells us there’s a real housewife on the dance floor downstairs and we hustled down there behind her. She acts like she knows her, goes right up and hugs her, and the housewife welcomed us like she knew exactly who we were. She told me “Roll Tide,” and while Melissa and Troy were dancing with her, I was talking Alabama football with one of the less stuffy-looking folks in her posse.

The next day, I departed the city, took my first Amtrack train to New Jersey to visit Ian. I was nervous because I couldn’t find which damn track I was supposed to be at. I’m the kind of guy who shows up practically 12 hrs early to the airport, so them announcing which track the train will be coming in on 7 mins before departure wasn’t it… but I made it to New Jersey, got an Uber to Ian’s house, and saw how the Buffy podcaster lives. Had never been to his house before. Such a pretty neighborhood, big house full of character. And I mean spooky character. Very pretty, but very haunted. Definitely ready to make a spooky movie there. Ian and I meant to do some recording of reactions for the MBJ channel, but wound up just hanging out, going to the diner he’d go to as a teen, and going to The House of Fun, which is home to every action figure, statue, or memorabilia piece you can think of. I was in heaven and couldn’t decide what to buy. They had a red-shirt Piper from Charmed action figure I’m always on the hunt for, but at $70 with a crushed box, so I passed. But I did pick up a Willow’s Spellbook action figure set that Ian will have to mail me because… I flew spirit home and they’d have charged $200 a figure prolly. At the end of the day, we had dinner with Ian’s dad, who was a really nice dude, and it was really great getting to see what Ian’s irl life is like.

Overall, a great trip to visit friends, but happy to be back at mama’s with Mr Dough.

Excited to reconnect with y’all here!





Hi Zach, thank you very much for your kind burthday wishes. You got the name right, and made my day special. I only realized how happy I had been at 16 when my 17th birthday arrived. Life had been free and easy with new doors opening as I grew up and got freedoms from my parents such as staying out late and earning money to spend on myself. When 17 arrived I had to go off to college and everything from my cosy familiar past changed. College was wonderful and allowed me to explore the gay world, the thrill of that comes back easily. I do wish I had had someone like you to guide me a bit. The advice and support you gave in your early videos would have helped me a lot.

2020k RJ Kozain

Walked barefoot to see Crossroads???? I need more context.