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Only a few more days to go until December! That means it's time to give you the full rundown of all the parts you'll be getting in next month's release!

Gothic Civilians

In the images below, you can see that we've highlighted certain elements in bright orange, purple, and yellow (and you'll see similar images in many of our previous releases too!)

These colours mean that each highlighted element is actually a separate "shell" - a complete 3D object that it is possible to move, scale, interchange, or even remove entirely! Want to know how? We've got a few excellent text and video resources for you to check out;

Our Multi-Shell Beginner's Guide post

Sonic Sledgehammer's Video Tutorial using MeshMixer

And finally, an in-depth Blender Tutorial that covers advanced movement and manipulation of individual shells, as well as a whole lot more if you're interested!

Here are this month's Multi-shell elements:

A fantastic set of 16 unique heads that give you the option between servants and high-class nobility. There's multi-shell elements on every single one, so your options for mixing and matching within the set, but explodes into near limitless options when combined with other months!

A varied set of torsos that we've gone all-out for optional extras! Almost every torso has got multiple optional parts to them - probably the most we've ever made! There are so many extra parts for each one that we thought it would be helpful to create two versions of each torso with multiple shells, giving you an easier way to get them onto the build-plate without needing to edit them beforehand.

Many, many legs too! Much like the torsos, the gothic civilian legs feature a huge number of optional extra layers that we've taken the time to separate out into distinct versions that vary the amount of ostentatiousness.

A huge number of arms for you to choose between, many of them also featuring shells too! We've gone with just open-wrist joints for this month, much like our previous Modern Civilian release.

With so many arms comes a bunch of hand-held accessories! Many of these feature two different versions - a choice between a regular hand, and a bionic one! All of these accessories can have the hand completely removed too, allowing you to have them as standalone pieces!

And finally, a unique house-servant character! This hunched figure features two over-the-shoulder manipulator arms with Regiments compatible wrist joints, letting you swap any of the tools onto them, or give your other servants a large 3-pronged claw hand, or drill arm!

We've also included the shoulder mantle with the mechanical arm attachments as a Digital Kitbash object, meaning you can potentially convert any other torso in your collection to feature these extra mech-arms!

We've attached all the renders in a ZIP file to this post, as this can help you organise your files, or tell at a glance what's a shell! 



ARK Redeemer

These are brilliant, I have ideas already! 🥰


Thank you so much for making these! Please do more! They are going to be perfect for a wrath and glory campaign. Models for ordinary citizens of the imperium from all walks of life are woefully ignored by Gw and would be amazing for the Cubicle 7 RPGs , Necromunda and Killteam. Love the set is named after a fab rpg in its own right too, takes me back to the Amiga days!