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Hello Patrons,

We hope you've been enjoying your Post-Apocalypse Gorka suits, dogs and leapers so far, and we're back to give you the full Multi-Shell breakdown!

Multi-Shell Options:

In the images below, you can see that we've highlighted certain elements in bright orange, purple, blue, pink, yellow, and green (and you'll see similar images in many of our previous releases too!)

These colours mean that each highlighted element is actually a separate "shell" - a complete 3D object that it is possible to move, scale, interchange, or even remove entirely! Want to know how? We've got a few excellent text and video resources for you to check out;

Our Multi-Shell Beginner's Guide post

Sonic Sledgehammer's Video Tutorial using MeshMixer

And finally, an in-depth Blender Tutorial that covers advanced movement and manipulation of individual shells, as well as a whole lot more if you're interested!

Here are this month's Multi-shell elements:

The main event is of course, the Gorka suits with Smersh rigs. Supplied as single-piece torsos and legs, the upper and lower bodies are actually completely separate elements, allowing you to swap out the legs, remove some pouches, or the entire Smersh rig, should you so wish!

The legs are provided as stand-alone parts too, as an easy way to swap into a different torso. Each pair of legs feature removable side pockets for a less baggy appearance.

Our guitar player's arms and instrument are shelled options, allowing you to give any of your other figures presumed musical talent, and the body itself features the Smersh rig, and attendant pouches and pockets, as options too.

The arms provided this month have, in the case of the Vintorez, their weapon and all its accessories, as shelled components, while the AS VAL arms have the stock as a shell, as well as the filler that connects the skeletal framework together. It's entirely possible that they might print without this filler element, but it is done this way to ensure success. Feel free to try to remove it, at your own discretion of course!

Both the male and female jointed arms feature all the same shells.

The heads, gasmasks and helmets give you a wealth of possible options too, with removable ballistic visor, helmet, facemask and chinstrap, hairstyles, and gasmask filters.

Your canine companions come with an optional protective vest, as well as identification strips, rigging, and carry handles!

Finally, the Leaper mutants feature a few shells to increase variety, with pockets and gasmask hoses/filters, as well as one body with optional arms for its all-fours crawling pose. The tree stumps shown here are actually printed completely separately, but shown together as a recommendation of use. But they make great scenic basing elements for any of this month's miniatures.

If you'd like to have these renders yourself, for reference, they have been attached to this post for you to download!

Thanks for your support so far this month! Don't forget to tell your friends and point people towards our Patreon, so we can get back to including bonus content!

- Team Anvil 




Thank you for making the renders available as easy download

Eric Jackson

With the latest update of Lychee slicer you can seperate the shells directly inside the program. Very convenient.