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Hello Patrons,

We hope you've been enjoying your Civilian Emergency Response Teams so far, and we're back to give you the full Multi-Shell breakdown!

Multi-Shell Options:

In the images below, you can see that we've highlighted certain elements in bright orange, purple, blue, pink, yellow, and green (and you'll see similar images in many of our previous releases too!)

These colours mean that each highlighted element is actually a separate "shell" - a complete 3D object that it is possible to move, scale, interchange, or even remove entirely! Want to know how? We've got a few excellent text and video resources for you to check out;

Our Multi-Shell Beginner's Guide post

Sonic Sledgehammer's Video Tutorial using MeshMixer

And finally, an in-depth Blender Tutorial that covers advanced movement and manipulation of individual shells, as well as a whole lot more if you're interested!

Here are this month's Multi-shell elements:

First up we have the HAZMAT suit personnel, featuring quite the number of shells per miniature! Each has optional sample tubes and belt pouches, as well as their gasmask and helmet, and oxygen tank. You'll find that, with all that gear removed, you have some really cool jumpsuits! And of course, it means you can put the hood and oxygen tank on many of our other torsos, giving you an instant hazardous environment hood and mask for any of your troopers!

The Firefighters have the same oxygen tank setup as the HAZMAT team, and with that optional element removed, have a very heavy jacket and durable trousers underneath.

Two of the Firefighters have an integrated pair of arms that are holding the nozzle and valve for a fire hose. While we didn't include the hose pipe itself, there is a handy joint to insert one into the back, under the arm. As the arms and nozzle are shells, you can conceivably equip any of the firefighter bodies with this setup too!

The Firefighters arms keep all of their various bits of gear as separate shells, meaning that you can swap out their signature tools of Fire axe and Jaws of Life for other bits of equipment if you wish, or have those particular bits as standalone objects!

Jumping back to the HAZMAT suits, the only shells you'll find here are the stocks for their UMP. Keeping the stocks as separate is an oft-requested feature, and it is likely that we will continue to provide future sets with this option in mind, unless it's absolutely necessary to integrate them

The American firefighter helmet features a removable shield emblem, and the EMTs both have optional surgical facemasks. We also separated out both of the helmets, and two of the HAZMAT hoods and masks into separate Digital Kitbash options!

The equipment comes with optional hands for all the different bits of gear, meaning that you've both got a lot of extra hands that you can put other bits into, or have any of the equipment as standalone conversion parts! The UMP comes with optional stick magazine, stock and pistol-grip, and the reinforced specimen case has lots of little tubes and capsules that are removable too!

As shown in our Milestone reveals, our EMTs wear the same heavy jacket and trousers as the firefighters, and Multi-Shell arms holding either a pair of Defibrillator paddles, or a medical bag, giving you two more firefighter bodies to play with!

The poor injured casualty they are dutifully trying to save comes with optional heart rate monitoring patches, which when turned off can allow him to be used for an altogether more sinister purpose... Try combining him with the sacrificial table from January's Robed Cultists! 

That's everything to show for the Multi-Shells this month, but stay tuned for our next post that will reveal next month's content: Post Apocalypse 2 - Exclusion Zone

Thank you all for your continued support,
- Team Anvil




Nice! I can't wait to set some zombies on them. Or tyranids. Or sugared-up pre-schoolers fresh out of a soft-play party. It's a tough call.