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EDIT: A small error with the Crew, Weapons and Interior Components Zip has been brought to our attention, and has now been rectified. You will need to re-download this particular zip from MMF, as it includes some missing crew files. We apologise for any inconvenience caused!

Available Now! If you've been a supporter of our Patreon in May, June, and July, you should have an email from MyMiniFactory with an invitation to redeem your free Loyalty Reward. Make sure to check your email filters and spam, just in case the invite has been filtered out of your normal inbox!

For those that missed out on getting it for free, don't feel too bad, because it's available to purchase too!

By clicking "Download" on MMF you'll be presented with a number of ZIP files to download. The most important is the largest Zipped folder, containing the three key Blender files:

  • Anvil Industry Wasteland Truck Builder.Blend for the main truck hull.
  • Anvil Industry Wasteland Wheel Builder.Blend for the wheels.
  • Anvil Industry Wasteland Truck Open Door Builder.Blend - This is an optional file for users who want to model one or both doors open.
  • The full written instructions for using all 3 .Blend files
  • A Components Gallery folder that individually highlights the vast majority of the options available to you, with file names and in-image text that tells you exactly what each part is.

These trucks are Extremely modular, easily rivalling any previous modular kit we've ever produced. Even the most "basic" truck comprises dozens and dozens of individual parts, that the Multi-Shell enthusiast is going to be poring over for weeks! If you ever wanted individual truck body panels, then you're going to absolutely love this kit!

In the Crew, Weapons and Interior Components Zip, you will find .STL parts to make:

  • Two different standing gunners and a Browning M2 heavy machine gun
  • Pistol-Grip rifle arms and rifle mount (to use a regular Regiments Rifle on the top mount)
  • Seats with two styles of crew for modelling the interior, if desired. These are in the "Wasteland", and "Civilian" styles, with both "male" and "female" joints
  • An Empty Seat and Steering Wheel

The Gun Mount, arms, and various crew, are fully compatible with parts in our Regiments range, and include many Multi-Shell elements!

You will also see 5 different example Trucks which are direct exports that we created for you, using the Blender Truck Builder:

  • Chopshop Technical
  • Standard Pickup with Closed Cab (No Crew Needed)
  • Up-Armoured Wasteland Technical
  • Light Wasteland Technical
  • Standard Pickup with Stowage

And lastly, a Zip file that contains 13 unique wheels and tyres which are direct exports that we created for you, using the Blender Wheel Builder.

These two sets of examples should give you a quick starting point for putting something on your build plate straight away, while you learn the builder files!

Chopshop Technical

Standard Pickup with Closed Cab

Up-Armoured Wasteland Technical

Light Wasteland Technical

Standard Pickup with Stowage

Above you can see all five pre-built examples that have been provided to get you started! We've highlighted the different body panelling (Showroom in teal, Wasteland in brown) to show all the optional parts, and how they massively alter the feel of each truck!

You'll notice that the floor of each truck is open. This is because the crew (or empty seats if you prefer) are inserted from below, allowing them to be painted separately and combined when everything is complete... meaning you won't need to try and paint your crew through the passenger-side window!

Below you can see all thirteen wheels that we have provided. Just a small sample of the over 100 possible combinations you can make in the Blender Wheel Builder!

There are a LOT of options - somewhere over 50 million unique trucks can be built. Don’t Panic! It’s very easy to use the wasteland truck builder - even for complete beginners.

The entire process has been designed to be very user-friendly and allow for reliable, high-quality prints which need very little clean-up. We recommend that you take the time to read the written instructions to get maximum value and use from your files. We will also be releasing an instructional video in the next few weeks, that will guide you through the process of custom designing your custom truck in Blender.

Keep an eye on our YouTube channel; https://www.youtube.com/@AnvilindustryTV, and we'll also announce when it goes live here, on Patreon. In the meantime there is a slightly older video, that covers everything you need to know about how we allow such vast customisation in Blender, but uses our Modular Drone Builder as the examples. You can find that video here; https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cYFQKzl9QbQ

Thank you for your support!
- Team Anvil




I am pretty certain I've subbed for the three months in a row, but I don't see an email for this.


I am definitely seeing your email on the MMF list as sent, but unclaimed. I will resend the invite again. Do double-check your spam folder or email filters to make sure it's not skipping your inbox. You can also look in your MMF inbox too, as there will be a copy there.


Man... The only thing missing in this set is a closed cargo cab and a small rocket for the roof - Apocalypse Pizza Planet Delivery!!