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Hello Patrons!

We hope you've been enjoying your Heavy Drop Troops. We've seen multiple patrons already showing us printed trooper minis, and even one or two painted ones too!

It's preview time for June's Regiments, and in contrast to last month's "Heavies", these are definitely going for a more lightly armoured approach.

The goal for next month was to create a soldier that takes cues from various helmeted, faceless "bad guys" in science fiction media. Perfect for an elite team of hardened veterans, a splinter force of indoctrinated militants, a highly competent creed-following religious sect, or highly inaccurate imperialist mooks that couldn't hit the broad-side of a barn.

Armed with light SMG-style blasters, swords, pistols, or a marksman's rifle, there are tons of options when it comes to outfitting your squads, including the option of jetpacks!

The most important rule -- Never Remove Your Helmet -- that's why you'll be getting 5 different helmet options with the Brotherhood infantry, each a loving homage!

We can't wait for next month to arrive and for you to get your hands on these sci-fi soldiers!

As always, thank you for your continued support,

- Anvil




Oh man! I love Star Trek!

ARK Redeemer

Further to my previous comment, an idea for a cool helmet design could be inspired from a certain Serpentine Commanding Officer, or the Serpentine military organisation that they lead? They had some pretty awesome reflective visor helmets and cool masks too!