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Hello Patrons

You can find more details about our Growth Reward Roadmap in This Patreon Update.

Last month we had over 1100 Patrons, which means we unlocked the bonus Kneeling Leg Poses!

We managed to reach 1138 patrons, which was just shy of our 1150 goal for the squad support weapon, but, as mentioned in our previous post, we have to work at least a little bit in advance of the end of each month. Thus, we will be giving a grace period of one extra month for each unlock we achieve. Since we did so last month, that means you'll also have the Squad Support Weapon this month too!

Help us continue to grow the Patreon, and continue to unlock extra content for everyone every month!

Below you'll find the link for your STLs, and renders detailing each unlock

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1100: Extra Leg Poses - Kneeling pose and Extra Flight pose

This month we've stuck to using the "male" hip joint, and so for the extra leg poses we've created a kneeling pose, and an additional pose with a small scenic element to give you further options for having your squad modelled in mid-flight.

Due to the extra length of the gut plate, we've chosen to supply the kneeling pose with a torso already attached. As you can see, however, it's a separate shell, and so can be removed to allow the kneeling legs to be used stand-alone. That way they're compatible with all our other torsos!

1150: Squad Support Weapon - Man-Portable Volley Phase Cannon

Supplied as an integrated torso due to the close tolerance with the chest armour, or as a stand-alone set of arms that will work well with our other torsos, our Man-Portable heavy weapon arms have been very successful, both digitally, and in resin. We're very pleased to be expanding the options available to you here!

The integrated torso features a multi-shell connection port, designed with this volley phase cannon in mind, but if you're not keen on the cable, it can be easily replaced with the included power cell, which also makes this weapon compatible with any other man-portable arms you may already have. By using the plain-back torso provided in the main release, you can also swap out this volley phase with any of your other heavy weapons -- they're all cross-compatible!

But wait... there's MORE! During our time assembling pre-posed example minis for rendering, the team created a few extra poses for the two-handed war cleaver, and a character pose with their helmet resting on their knee. The wonders of utilising mulit-shell functionality! We thought they were too good to not supply alongside the milestone release. You'll find these included in the download!

We hope you enjoy these bonus STLs! All these extras will also be included in the MMF download, available at the beginning of next month.


Team Anvil




cant open the dowloadlink "400 Link does not exist" :(

Dick Teh

sorry i kinda missed this, will this be in our MMF accounts?