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Hello Patrons,

There have been a lot of big updates recently, and this is the last important one for a while. We want to plan out our design work for 2023 and we would like your feedback!

2023 Theme Roadmap

This is the current provisional plan, but we may make changes if we feel we need too.

April - Gothic Tech Horror Infantry

This did very well in our last poll and development is almost finished - Look out for a preview soon!

May - Drop Troops Wave 3 - Heavy Infantry

We've picked this because the two prior waves of Drop Troops are consistently excellent sellers on our website. Having done the original Drop Troops and 'Recon' Light Infantry. We want to finish the range off with Elite Heavy Drop Troops.

June - Poll Option

July - Medieval/Gothic Exo-Lords

We had a lot of fun doing the two waves of Diesel Punk Exo-Lords last year, and we want to include just one month of Exo-Lord content in 2023.

August - Poll Option

September - The Modern Post-Apocalypse Continues

September 2023 marks an incredible three years since the first Modern Post Apocalypse month on the Digital Forge!

As it's our second most popular month ever* (considering website sales) we think it's high time to head back to the wasteland!

October - Poll Option

November/December - ???

Theme Patreon Poll - Help us fill in the gaps in our schedule!

Please take a few minute to read the descriptions below, then click through to the poll link at the end of the post.

Please choose the face option which is closest to how you feel about a given theme featuring on the Anvil Digital Forge

We will use the aggregate data to determine whether or not a theme would be a good fit for the Project.

New Ideas

-Gothic Civilians

Last months modern civilians was very popular, both on Patreon and in the original poll.

We would like to do a set of Gothic Sci-Fi themed civilians. These would be a similar concept to the modern civilians, but the sculpts would be ideal for use in games like 40k, Necromunda and Stargrave, and would also work well in earth based steampunk/alt. history settings.

-'The Brotherhood' Sci-Fi Light Infantry Cult

There are a number of settings which feature high tech light infantry with thin plate armour, visored helmets and cloth elements. Two good examples are the Mandalorians in Star Wars, and the Brotherhood of NOD in the Command and Conquer Franchise.

We would release a set of miniatures channelling this vibe, which depending on paint scheme could be used in a range of sci-fi game systems.

-The Heist - Modern Crime Syndicate

Expanding our range of modern day wargaming miniatures, this set would be themed around a bank robbery and would feature heavily armed criminals with assorted masks (Clown, Animal, Caricature), bank employees and FBI/SWAT team elements.

-Interstellar Expeditionary Force -DOUBLE MONTH-

An elite special forces team travelled across the galaxy on a mission to destroy Space Egyptians using nothing but P90 submachine guns and pithy one liners.

Note: While this theme will be heavily inspired by the Stargate SG-1 universe, we will be doing our own original take on the concept, not just making boring clones of other people's IP.

We've discussed this in the studio and we feel strongly that to do this theme justice, we need it to be a double month (Eg October and November).

The first month being the Interstellar Expeditionary Force and the second month being the Human/Alien Space Egyptian adversaries.

Follow up months

We often have plenty of ideas for expanding on a given months theme, if Patrons vote for more...

-Undercover Operatives 2 : Secret Agents

A follow on and expansion of this months download pack - This would be a more character driven set featuring secret agents in formal evening wear (think James Bond) as well as with various specialist outfits (Think Splinter Cell).

-Robed Cultists 2 : Armoured

A follow on and expansion of the Robed Cultists we did in January, we would do a second set with more arm and head options, and bodies with 'evil spiky' plate armour.

The new set could be freely mixed and matched with the existing minis to make a much more varied force.

-Bio-Hazard Containment 2 : Civilian Response Team

Following on from our original Bio-Hazard Containment Team which was highly militarised, this theme would include bulky civilian Hazmat suits plus a number of other modern day emergency response figures.


We are really excited for all these themes, so exactly which ones make the grade is up to our Patrons!

UPDATE: The Poll is now closed - thanks to everyone who took the time to give us feedback!


Team Anvil



Civilian hazmat team and sci-fi light infantry for me. Head options to make em look like androids or bots would also go down great with me. Much prefer the blank face plates on things for that faceless menace.


I still would like to see some Cavalry stuff. Particularly the Croco-Raptor mounts you teased waaaaaaaay back when the Dress Uniform Range was released on the webstore.


We don't think cavalry will work particuarly well as a Patreon month, but we are considering doing a kickstarter separately :)