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Hello Patrons,

For October, we're giving you the parts to build your very own mutant horde! A gruesome collection of malformed horrors with enough modular components to make hundreds of unique monstrosities!

If a teaming host of close-combat nightmares is what you desire, then you're spoilt for choice with our mutant melee options; 16 uniquely twisted melee arms split among both our male and female joints, and are also fully compatible with any of our previous torsos!

And if guns are more your style for your infantry, then there are 7 different pairs of arms, and 6 uniquely ragged rifles and shotguns, to help your wretched warriors bring some ranged firepower to the field. These are 'Pistol-Grip' compatible with any similar weapons or arm sets too!

Fully modular Mutant parts allow for nearly unlimited customisation within this set, or any other previous month's content!

Heads & Torsos - A cavalcade of tentacles, pustules, calcified dermal tissue, spikes, necrotised skin, and flesh rent by bizarre tubing.

Arms & Guns - the potential combinations swell, with over 2 dozen different arm options and 6 distinct rifles and shotguns

Legs - tattered rags only partially conceal their corrupt and twisted forms

As well as the modular infantry, we also have some larger monsters!

Nightmarish Centaurs bring speed and animalistic ferocity to your mutant horde!

There are two bodies (The tongues on the triple horned centaur are shells) plus 4 left arm and 4 right arm options!

Towering over their lesser cousins, these monstrously sized mutants can carry massive weapons to carve their foes apart in melee, or bring a withering hail of gunfire at range. 

These are the largest single piece models we've ever done.  They are pre-hollowed with a selection of head and weapon options.

Finally to make some specialists - we have a mono-pose character model with a choice of two left arms, and a male mutant flame thrower torso!

Here are all the separate components you get!

Thank you for your support!

- Anvil Digital Forge




Every release by these guys is like a new faction I desperately want DLC and rules for.


Ick. An Inquisitorial retinue, Arbites, a drone(which I’m sure has a use in something he related), chaos men and following them space marines. As someone who doesn’t play 40k and has little but contempt for GW or their current range of games Im afraid I can no longer justify this patreon. Sorry.


Also jumped out the GW train years ago. Darren, have you taken a look at OnePageRules? Can wholeheartedly recommend them. This months mutants can easily slip into an Infected Colonies army in Grimdark Future.

Jeremy Bernhardt

If you're only able to see these through the lens of another company, it sounds like they're living in your head rent-free despite claims to have "little but contempt" for said company and their designs. These scream MUTANT. I can see these in GW games, but easily in Mantic's Deadzone universe (Plague), OPR's "Infected Colonies", mutants in This is Not a Test,and I'm sure I can find an easy fit in Star Breach, Zone Raiders, and more. They'd be usable for Horizon: Zero Dark and Space Station Zero also. I can see the other months you referred to fitting more easily into those games than as proxies for official models from that company in Nottingham. Your complaints ring hollow in my ears.