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Hello Patrons,

Firstly, a huge thanks again to all of you who took a few minutes to fill in our survey - we had about 350 responses, plenty to let us make a few decisions for the upcoming months!

This Poll was to get a sense of what themes you’d all like to see, so without further ado, let’s get to it:

Q1: What historical style should inspire our first Exo-Lords month?

With an overwhelming 50% of the vote, it’s clear that Diesel-Punk is the winner here. We’ve got lots of plans and great concept art to work with for this one, and our lead CAD artist is already making progress on bringing that concept to life. Keep your eyes peeled for some teasers for the Exo-Lords in our Discord and here on Patreon soon!

Medieval was the runner-up, peaking at just over 22%. We’re inclined to add in a few elements into the Diesel-Punk month that have a slightly more medieval twist, but a full month for this theme can still be considered in the future, if it wins out against whatever other themes we might put forward.

Samurai and Greco-Roman Exo-Lords both came in at only 14%, so unfortunately we will be putting those on the back-burner for now. This doesn’t rule them out of the running entirely, but it’s clear that they’re more of a niche theme when compared to their competition this time around.

Q2: Would you like a double month for Exo-Lords across November and December?

Again, there’s a strong positive response from the majority of you on this one, with over 35% of you being very positive about a double month, and only 9% strongly disliking the idea. Even at the less extreme ends, those in favour (28%) outweigh those against (8%). It looks like you can look forward to two months of Exo-Lords before the end of the year! This means we can really expand the options we’re providing, and hopefully get some new concepts realised that have been quietly waiting in the wings for our Exo-Lord range.

Q3, Q4, Q5, Q6, & Q7: Regiments Theme Proposals

Among the 5 themes put forward, we have some clear winners in Robed Cultists, Gothic Tech, and perhaps surprisingly, Civilians. These three all cleared the 70% approval rating we look for when committing to a Regiments month, so these themes will be our starting point for the new year.

Robed Cultists are a line that exists in our cast-resin already, but them appearing in this poll doesn’t mean that we’re just replicating the existing sculpts; in fact, we’re planning on a ground-up redesign, particularly for the bodies. We want to move away from the homogenous flat robes and instead introduce a more layered look that will make them more visually interesting and more friendly for painters too. Those continuous, unbroken surfaces are tricky to paint. Not only that, but we also plan to have some more optional armoured elements too that will give them even more variety.

Gothic Tech Infantry is one of those themes that we’ve touched on here and there with our cast-resin line before, but never really concentrated on for a cohesive, fully modular squad(s). Luckily, we do have some concept art that really speaks to us, and will really push at the boundaries of what we’ve done before.

Civilians is an interesting month for us to tackle, as previously all of our releases have had fairly strong combat focus. But the votes don’t lie, and this modern-day civilian / industrial worker themed month will be a nice palate cleanser. Details for a month this far out are still a little sketchy, but there have been lots of ideas for it floating around the office!

Unfortunately, the two remaining themes didn’t quite meet the threshold we need to confidently move forward with.

Hell-Kin Daemonic Shock Troopers didn’t seem to capture the majority’s imagination, and fared the least well of any of the themes put forward this time. These hellish combatants will have to bide their time before launching their assault.

Armoured Sci-Fi Bird Aliens did quite well, but alas, they didn’t have quite the overwhelming positive response of our top 3 regiments themes. Don’t fret though; while these may not be coming to Patreon directly, there’s absolutely no doubt that they’ll make an appearance in the future…

Thanks again, and be on the lookout for the final teasers of the Modular Drone month soon!



Looking forward to the prospect of a civilian theme! Armoured folks with weapons I have coming out the wazoo…But a dude/dudette with a mop or even a just holding a coffee would be sublime…


Yes. A shocking lack of civilians for adding a lived-in feel to Zombie disasters and scifi towns. No lack of troopers and power armor.