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Hello Everyone!

On the Digital Forge we are all about kitbashing and conversions. 

Many components in our monthly releases use standard joint systems and you can mix and match parts from across ranges.

You can also get really creative with rescaling and combining parts in new ways which our team hasn't thought of!

Discord User Cazboab recently posted photos in our discord of a truly terrifying mash up! >>

This monstrous mechanical beast uses the Cyber hound from this months Cyberpunk: The Corporation, but the body has been rescaled and combined with the upper torso, head and arms of a melee assault machine taken from Automata.

In the main image, the different coloured sections are the separate shells which have been digitally combined.

Get Automata on our website HERE  - Don't forget to use your discount code!

We'd like to throw out a challenge to see what you can come up with using this month's parts combined with any components from our previous releases!


  • Make a converted/custom miniature using a combination of components from this month (Cyberpunk 2) and any previous month's packs.
  • Your submission can be as simple or complex as you like, we are looking for interesting combinations which show off what's possible with the range.
  • We will shortlist a minimum of 2 finalists and put it to a public vote!
  • The winner will receive a £50 Store Voucher to use on any of our products on www.anvilindustry.co.uk 
  • The closing date for entries is 27 July 2022, 23:59pm, London BST.
  • If the competition is well received we would like to run it every month, and we welcome your ideas and feedback!

Send your entry images and your Patreon Username to cyberpunk@anvilindustry.co.uk 


  • Entry is open to current Patrons only (as you need to have this month's file set)
  • Your miniature can be either a digital build (as Cazboab has done) or a real life build using 3D printed components. In either case your build must consist of entirely components from Anvil Digital Forge.
  • You must use at least one component from the July Cyberpunk download, which ideally should be a prominent part of the kitbash, and may then use any components from any prior Digital Forge download.
  • For digital submissions - please send us 1-3 screenshot images of your build. If you are selected for the shortlist we will ask you to submit the digital file.  You are free to rescale components and make full use of multi-shell functionality, but we can't accept submissions where shell elements have been modified (for example with a boolean cutter).
  • For physical submissions, we need some clear, high-resolution photos of your built miniature.  We can only accept printed models in grey resin or a colour which photographs well (ie not translucent green resin). It's fine to use green stuff putty/plasticard for gap filling and very minor sculpting additions/blends.
  • Send your submission images by email to cyberpunk@anvilindustry.co.uk to ensure it is received and counted. ideally use your Patreon email account, and include your Patreon Username.
  • The closing date for entries is 27 July 2022, 23:59pm, London BST, entries after this will not be considered.
  • Only one entry per person. 


Please read the terms and conditions in the following link in full before submitting an entry: https://anvilindustry.co.uk/kitbash-competition-terms 

By entering you are agreeing to be bound by the terms in the link above, this may include exclusions based on geographical location.

Please message us if you are unsure about the rules.

We are excited to see what you all come up with!


Team Anvil



Christopher Lee

If we print the mini, can we spray it gray? All i got is translucent green on hand, lol


Just sent in my entry. Looking forward to seeing what others come up with!