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Hello Patrons,

March is nearly here, so here is a preview of what's coming early next month!

Adding to the Ajax and Tracer Mech suits we released in February, here are two more Unity Council Units.

Featuring trenchcoats over sturdy body armour and anonymous visored helmets, the Unity Guard are the Councils feared internal military police force, tasked with maintaining order and loyalty in the dystopian Hyper Cities still under Council control.

Towering over human soldiers, the C-48 Warden Mech is an advanced autonomous combat unit developed by CRANE corporation. 

It combines high manoeuvrability with a powerful weapon systems, including the Firestone missile system mounted in the torso, and Heavy machine Guns which are cross compatible with the weapons from the Ajax Mech.

We've got more to reveal still - look out for the "everything you get" post and download links coming next week!

Thanks for your support

Team Anvil




Again, I'm really glad that afterlife is finding new life in 3d printing (yes that was a joke, and I'm sorry it was so bad). I was really upset that I missed out on the miniatures in the original run, but I'm glad they are slowly being released as 3d prints.


omg drone are crazy :o