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Hello Patrons,

Apologies for the late preview, our workflow is still rather behind schedule but we hope to be back to normal by the end of March.

We anticipate the March download being ready by the 14th - thanks for your patience!

The theme for March is Alien Mercenaries - you can expect a rag tag band of well armed Alien character models with huge variety in style and equipment, but generally well suited to any sci-fi game featuring non humanoid models.

All the renders in this preview are Work In Progress

Some models are more humanoid in proportions and will feature our male regiments joint system and/or separate components or shells, allowing you to mix and match with human components.

We will also make a selection of heads/helmets and weapons available as separate components for digital conversion use!

We have plenty more sculpts to show off soon!


Team Anvil



Rik Baker

Love it....but please make previews non-private, as it then allows others to see what is coming up, so they can jump in...


Wish i paid attention to the previews before the payment went through. Excellent sculpts as always Anvil cant wait to see whats next.