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Hello Patrons!

Unfortunately due to ongoing staff illness, February's release is likely to be delayed and may not be ready until the middle of February. 

We are making good progress but we don't want to cut corners or rush out a lower quality offering.

For February, we are unleashing the full mechanised might of the Unity Council! 

The Ajax Mech is a walking tank, containing a human pilot and able to be equipped with a wide range of modular weapon systems.  Part of our Afterlife Sci-Fi universe, but suitable for use in a wide range of different game systems.

Here is a scale photo with the Ajax along side an Exo-Lord and a Regiments figure:

As you can see, it's the largest "Infantry" model we've produced so far!

The Regiments (ie regular human) sized pilot takes up space in the suit legs and torso, while the exterior weapon arms are fully mechanical, providing maximum survivability and load bearing capacity.

We've modified the original model to use the same joint system as the Exo-Lords, for a degree of cross compatibility

We are including five leg poses, and many arm poses (below, shown with optional shoulder pad) which can all be mirrored, allowing a large force of Ajax without any duplicate poses.

And thats not all, as well as the Ajax, we will also be including the Tracer Light Exo-skeleton! Look out for that, as well as full details of the Ajax weapon options, early next month!

Thanks for your patience!

Team Anvil




I'm very happy that you guys are using 3d printing to keep Afterlife alive (pun intended). I was so bumbed out that I didn't get those models since I loved the style of them, but now I can just print them.

Lee Perry

Ah, man... just saw these, and your site... signed up for the Patreon and dropped $100 on several bundles of your sci-fi trooper guys. VERY cool work, love your aesthetic! I assume this particular set of files isn't available for download quite yet, since I don't see a link anywhere?