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Hello Patrons.

Most of you won’t know that our lead CAD artist Chris began his career at Anvil as a 2D artist. 

He hasn’t had a chance to do any digital painting during the pandemic, but when we saw one of the 3D renders, we just had to organise a digital painting of the scene (above), as a squad of Grendiers advance along a blasted near future dystopian street.

Afterlife is set several hundred years in the future, in the midst of a global power struggle between warring mega corporations.

The artwork is painted in the original Grenadier scheme with tan/yellow armour.

You can see more examples of this scheme on our original studio models:

Adam's original bright yellow Grenadiers:

Official Tan Studio force by Winterdyne Commission Modelling:

An alternative scheme by Dwartist:

More of Dwartists amazing sci-fi miniature painting is on his blog (and also Facebook) http://dwartist.blogspot.com/

We hope this has given you some inspiration for painting up your Grenadiers, let us know how you get on, it would be great to see some alternate colour schemes!

All the best,

Team Anvil




Thank you for posting these images. It gives me great inspiration! Also, others who may be kicking around the idea of signing up will likely see how cool these models and image look and sign right up! If I was into Guard and saw this post for the first time, I'd instantly sign up (if I hadn't already!)


The whole Afterlife range looked pretty cool. It's nice to have a new chance to get them