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Hello Patrons,

Some of you may remember that Anvil had a fast-paced skirmish game called Afterlife a number of years ago,  featuring two high-tech corporate factions warring over the scarred remains of the Earth!

The game and miniatures went on the back burner as our Regiments range grew in popularity and took up our design time. But we have decided to rescale selected Afterlife models to be compatible with Regiments and re-release them through the Anvil Digital Forge Patreon!

By far the most popular models from the game were the Republic Grenadiers; so this is where we start. With their full body armour and bullpup assault rifles with integrated grenade launchers, they are capable of taking on heavily fortified positions. 

November's download pack will not include scatter terrain or a ’large’ miniature, but instead will feature a much more extensive selection of different modular infantry parts, as well as character models.

We will aim to have the download pack up by the end of the first week of November. 

All the best,

Team Anvil




Samurai sword armed versions of these would be pretty close to the Sardaukar in 2021 Dune.


Just joined because these look amazing, and I can't wait to get them printing!