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Dear Patrons,

Here are a few more preview renders showing off next months Hazmat content!


EDIT - The information below is now out of date, but we are leaving the original post intact because transparent communication is important.

We announced a new format for delivering single piece modular figures, but in light of mostly negative feedback from Patrons, we are listening and will now deliver July in the standard/regular format - separate pre-supported components for the standard infantry models. See the latest update post here:



In all prior months, our standard format has been the same as our regiments miniatures - an assortment of components that are printed separately and then need to be cleaned up and glued together.

This doesn't really make the best use of the advantages of 3D printing technology, so for the Hazmat team next month we are doing something new, possibly an industry first, and we are excited to see what you think>>

  • Single piece miniatures.
  • Minimal, easy to remove supports and no gap filling.
  • Ready to Game/paint immediately after post-cure. 
  • STILL FULLY MODULAR thanks to the magic of Blender.

Important - this is the format for next month, but it is a trial not a fixed new format for all months going forward - we will be seeking real world user feedback over the course of July.

On the left is an example Hazmat operative with Origin-12 shotgun, showing how it would come off the printer (we have test printed plenty!), with our custom-designed supports shown a different colour.

On the right, you can see the same model with all the separate STL shells coloured.

If you have the Light Assault Mech Miniature pack we did back in January, you'll already know what to expect>

Using Blender (A Free open-source  CAD program) and a short instructional video, you'll be able to quickly and easily combine any of a number of different leg, arm and head poses and different equipment options.

You'll be able to configure somewhere over 600 differently posed/equipped Hazmat models (if anyone prints that many please send a photo!) and export your combinations straight to the printer, fully pre-supported.

Another example, this time with a HK-416 rifle.

Slightly more advanced (but still easy) techniques will enable you to separate and remove specific parts of the model to further customise your figures.

You can also print with the heads and/or rifles missing if you want to use components from our other months, and we will include a short guide on how to import and digitally merge other components.

The one downside to making the figures in this format is that we are not able to supply the arms and legs as separate components - if you want to use them with existing digital assets from prior months, or physical components, this will be possible but will require some digital and/or physical modelling work. (We will include a brief guide on how to do this).


We know not everyone can/wants to use Blender, so there will also be a download option containing 12 pre-assembled and exported Hazmat figures, ready to go straight to your printer. The STL's will still contain all the separate shells so you can separate out particular components if desired, but the fully modular configuration is only possible using the functionality of Blender.

Thanks for reading, and if you have any questions fire away in the comments! 

If you are concerned about using Blender, don't worry, we will supply full instruction, and its not much more complicated than using a slicer program.

Team Anvil


ARK Redeemer

Been looking for an excuse to stop procrastinating with using blender! This will hopefully be a more gentle intro than the mech! 😊


This could be Interesting!


Now my Zona Alfa Will be nearly completed....


It’s a nice idea but one of the advantages of the range is being able to mix and match from across sets to make the models you really want and this puts a (small but real) barrier in front of that appeal.


Can't wait to see this in action. This could be really amazing way of releasing going forward. Even if the bit collector in me is crying.


A little bummed about the change but change is good. Time to learn to use blender. Save hobby work by doing more digital work.


So basically your pushing more of the customisation onto the end user again, thus requiring the end user to be conversant in blender ‘following your handy guides’. You guys had a really good thing going at the start of the Patreon. Multi-parts kits that the end user could build as required. Then you took the step to lessen your work load and push the customisation elements onto the end user having to use blender to extract shell and mix and match etc. I’m sure there are many people who relish the challenge of learning a whole new set of software to get the best from their minis. I just don’t have the time, guide or no guide. Single piece set minis and files that aren’t backwards compatible with you previous months releases is for me personally a backwards step. Plus there seems to be no clear direction with the releases. First it was over the top, then drop troops, then nomads, then random space western, then WWII and now this set which strangely sits in line with another Patreons release of almost the same theme. 🤷🏻‍♂️ It’s a shame but I think my patronage has ran its course of this is the future of your releases

Steve Howland

Awesome, looking forward to it!


well... singlepiece? I don't want to learn how to make them poseable in blender... for me this is no go... I'm thinking about stop supporting this patreon... sadly :-(

Steffen Knoll

Hm, I have one question: In the past releases you also included the .stl with seperate shells, which were easily modified using something like Meshmixer. Can‘t you do that again?


The complete model STL's will all be separate shells which can be opened and edited in mesh mixer. Certain key components like the torso and weapons which are most easily compatible with prior months will be supplied as separate STL's.


I'm not sure I like this idea either. I get Anvil products as a basis to mix and match and create mash ups of all the different ranges to fit particular themes. For me it's not "what has Anvil brought out this month?" but more importantly "what unique miniatures can I build from Anvil's range this month?" I definitely see this as a step backwards.


We certainly wouldn't want to take your money for something which isn't suitable for your hobby. If you are uncertain consider unsubbing now and you can always resubscribe in July when more information is available. The "posing" in blender is just turning components On and Off.


Hi Daniel thanks for your feedback. Yes we do a wide range of different themes quite deliberately, focusing more narrowly would mean the project would appeal more strongly to a smaller number of people which would not be viable. Multishell miniatures were a new feature to give people more options only if they want them. The alternative (like most other Patreons) would just be to not include the optional elements.. Even next month there will be a full pack of 15 figures which are ready to print with no work required, which is (in our view) extremely good value. I hope you will spend 5 minutes watching the How-To Guide before making your mind up, and thanks for your support thus far, we really do appreciate it!


No, not a fan of this idea. I get the Digital files to mix and match. I was planning to use individual parts but having a solid model pre assembled is a huge step back in my opinion. EDIT: Just confirmed the legs/arms ARE separate shells so you can import the STL into blender, select it and go in edit mode. Press P and select 'by loose files' to then select and remove all the individual components you don't want, then just select and export the parts you want.


Wait, are these still compatible with the rest of the Regiments line? Because it doesn't sound like the are. It would be a real shame if new releases are no longer compatible with the old ones

Natalie Belew

Are you not supplying the bits separated out at all this month? Just because I can separate out shells and get them that way does not mean I want to do it each month for each release. I'm sure it's more work to have them separated out etc, but it's 100% the reason I support is to get pieces for conversion parts.


A novel concept but one I am not fond of. Having to print an entire mini at once means, thanks to the height, it will take longer to print off half a dozen single-piece minis than it would to load up the plate with enough components for the same.. and you are at best saving me ten seconds per complete model after printing because there will be fewer parts to remove from the build plate. Washing, drying and curing is going to take the same amount of time. ..and all of this comes at the expense of the part compatibility across your existing Digital Forge range, preventing me from mixing and matching arms, legs, bodies, heads and weapons unless I save them as individual files and support them myself. All things considered, this is a disappointing move.


Have to admit that the arms and legs not being separate to the torsos is kind of a downer - half the fun each month is in printing off a few new 'sets' of parts and fooling around with what matches and fits with other parts from previous months, or some of the resin stash in my bits drawer. These guys I'd imagined would be helmets and torsos as one piece, similar to the original Over the Top release; makes perfect sense given the cabling and such required for the bubble helmets as they appear here. Single piece prints which can be chopped and changed in Blender _is_ a cool idea, but I'd really like if it were in addition to rather than an alternative to multi-part prints. I'm definitely digging the parts and I'm here for the long run! If you're looking for a few cents worth of input from your Patrons, though, I figure it's worth piping up. Edit: Just saw that there's separate STLs for the torso and weapons which will be available. This is what happens when I don't read as carefully as I ought. ;D


Absolutely great idea. I use 3D printing to quickly gets models on the table and this process will certainly speed things up.I am also excited not to have any gaps. Please continue to experiment as this platform is a perfect place to do so.

Jeff Griffin

Is this going to be like the mech? Has all the options in blender. We just mix match and pose


I’m not sure I fully understand this, but it sounds like something I will dislike. I get a lot of use out of mixing these parts in different combinations, and out of the digital forge parts being compatible with your physical products. The idea that arms and legs will not be separate is a problem for me. This also seems like it will be more work to print what I want to print.

Andrew Dickinson

This is a massive turn off for me. I back you guys for modularity, not single piece minis. If I want that there's other patreons and MMF makers already offering similar products. I simply don't have the time to learn Blender so this is just crap, frankly. Going to have to have a serious think about whether to skip a month or not.

Jeff Griffin

But will the option be available? I got a cool pose from the mech. Had it kneeling while pointing forward.

David P

I'm a Blender beginner so keen to see how this turns out and what mods can be done to the limbs in the Blender tool. I like the idea of the arch supports.


This is fantastic, and totally makes sense. Love the look too!


My hobby has been 100% digital for years now! One day I'll make time to sit and paint some of what we design I hope.


I would also add that, while I understand other people would have a different preference, I specifically enjoy the building of physical models. There is a particular sense of satisfaction for me to assemble something using my hands.

Jan Mehrens

Honestly, at first impression this sounds like a downgrade to me.. I will give it a chance before i really form an opinion, but the fact that the modular parts come presupported is my favorite thing about this patreon. If this was an option i would love it, but not as replacement of how you are doing things now. (Though i understand it would probably too much effort to do both)


Sorry guys, i'm not a fan of single piece figures and I dont have the time on my hands to learn a new software. I love the look of them but I think ill have to pass until you go back to fully seperated pieces :/


Part of the fun of miniatures is putting them together, and mixing parts together. Sure we can make 600+ different hazmat guys, but when the arms and legs aren't separate how unique are they really gonna be? It's like Borderlands, sure there's a zillion different gun combinations but only the unique looking ones really grab your attention. It seems like to digitally make them work with previous sets will take a lot of work on our end, which is not what many people have in when they are paying money for a product. I think that the main selling point of this Patreon, that sets it apart in a massive sea of miniature makers, is the modularity and ability to combine seamlessly with previous sets. Not only does this proposed change lessen the uniqueness, but it also arbitrarily makes the customer have to do a lot more work for the same price they'd been paying.


I'm not sure I understand. If I use Blender to export just the arms, will they not print? Collapse in the printer? Look bad on the body side? Not fit on other models?


To be honest, I do not mind having to use Blender every once in a while. Plus your videos are nicely done and very complete. But, a lot of your patrons are here for bits and not full models. Plus, you are asking people to make some efforts, to work a bit to get things done, so you will rebuke many...

Jesse Hammil

I like the option ti print full models. Thank you! I am looking forward to learning how to do this work in blender.


Honestly, I'm not a fan of this idea. Multipart kits are one of the major reasons I support you instead of one of the countless other Patreons offering STLs. Personally, I have no desire to learn how to use 3d modelling software in order to customize my miniatures. It also (seemingly) eliminates the possibility of mixing your parts with other kits, which is a huge loss. Unfortunately, I will really have to reconsider my subscription if this is the plan moving forward. I urge you to reconsider.


Same as many people, I back you for the modularity. I love the dday release with the separate shells, and blender support is fantastic, but mixing and matching is part of the fun (something we are losing from the hobby, everything from GW is monopose now).


I do really like being able to print a full model, but I also enjoy kit bashing. I'm torn.


this is the future, this is the closest to something like townbuilder for models, or hero forge. out of all the patreons i support you are the only ones that offer this kind of modularity. thank you for all your hard work looking forward to the tutorial, and the opportunity to learn something new


I for one really enjoy having whole models to print. While I really like the modular bits, printing one model as a whole is a lot easier for me to print personally.


Just a question, to clear the air so to speak. If I wanted to use those legs (as I love the way they look like futuristic crye trousers) would I need to start using sculpting tools or are they seperate shells that can be removed from the torso? Thanks.


Not again. Just to confirm, there aren’t going to be individual presupported parts for this month?


Not a fan, tbh. I don't have time to mess with learning Blender. I like the modular bits.


Just read the other post about reverting to the old format away away from this one. Gutted!! 😥 This would have been absolutely fantastic. Please Anvil, keep trying these ideas out with the community. I understand you have to go with the majority (your customers tell you what they want and you listen which is great) but please keep bringing these ideas forward!!


We will do in the standard format now so there will be lots of individual pre supported components and no complete miniatures.


This is an excellent idea and a great way to move the line forward. Bravo for trying something new.


I think this is a great idea but I joined for the bits. To be able to kitbash to my heart's content. I'm okay with whole model stls if it's in addition to the bits format. I think it would add value to the Patreon

Joe Mansfield

Just want to say I really appreciate you guys trying to move the goalposts forward by providing all multi-shell models. While I'm sorry this didn't make it off the ground I see what you are doing. This kind of thing makes me glad I didn't spend $250 plus on that City of Whatever Box Set and rolled that money into a resin printer instead. I take this as a sign my support is well-spent on a miniatures company that at least understands what the future is. Thank you


I too joined for modular bits, rather than using blender. I'd be all for having access to both though.


Saludos to read you chance yourr mind. Blender burladero sound promising


It is a Interesting Idea, worth looking at. But most of my prints have mismatched arms, legs torsos. It would be sad to lose that. But maybe a mix of the two. Or even the New method could be a Add-on pack for the store. I Like the drive to make better & you still listen to your patron.