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Hello Patient January Patrons!

Let's get the bad news out the way first - the "middle of January" estimate is looking optimistic at this point.  Partly because I struggle with time management, and partly because I am a massive mech fan and really want to put the time into making this kit as awesome as possible. I apologise, and please be assured I'm not working on anything else until it's done.

The rest of the design team who are great at hitting deadlines are in charge of February's "Over The Top 2" set, and they are ahead of schedule! Look out for some updates on that soon, and delivery right at the start of the month as usual.

so.. it's taking a while, but I promise it will be worth the wait:

You read that title right, I got a bit carried away and instead of the promised 4 different weapon options, I have devised a fully modular 26 component rifle which can be assembled in any of over 1500 unique combinations.  

You have a choice of 2 stocks (or none), 3 rails (or none), 4 mags, 4 ammo feeds (with universal coupler) 3 fore grips (or none) and 5 barrels!  Mix and match components, barrel and Ammo type to create almost any sci-fi heavy rifle!

Not every combination looks good, but there are enough awesome builds to represent almost any sci-fi weapon, and it will be very easy to combine the elements with other CAD models for even more options!

Here are just a small selection of example builds :

For scale, this gun is slightly bigger than our regular Regiments Heavy Weapons which are crewed on a tripod by two people.

As well as the rifle+mech arms configuration shown here, the weapons will also mount directly to the side of the main chassis on either one or both sides, by omitting the stock and pistol grip and mounting them in an armoured semi poseable cowling.

I'll be posting regular updates and should have more progress on the main body/pilot in a couple of days!

Leave a comment if you want a particular weapon option I've not already covered: I might be able to squeeze one or two more in, or I can certainly include them in a future mech upgrade pack.

Thanks everyone!



With excellent work like this, take all the time you need!


Yeah, that is a bit carried away... It could be a great idea for if you start doing vehicle kits or even just alternative turrets etc for models made by the Other Manufacturer.


The weapon system above is also designed to work with a turret system (one on each side) which Ill design and include in a future month.


Shoulder mounted or wrist mounted grenade launcher. Breacher shield and Riot baton. Think Mobile Police PATLABOR


🤩 feel free to get carried away like this as much as you like in future 😜


If I were to make a suggestion it would be maybe adding the possibility of a bottom-fed magazine and a longer barrel with a Barrett-style compensator.


Maybe some titanfall style railgun or multibarrel rocket launcher?


Some sort of railgun and maybe missile/grenade system could be a fun addition? Or a dual/tri barrel mount for boarderlands style madness. Not that it is already the most impressive modular gun in mini history

ARK Redeemer

I think some sort of Shotgun could be cool if it was a close quarters kitted mech? Awesome work on the gun already, take all the time you need!


Take the time you need. The worst would be to finished the Modell and not really satisfied with the Resultat. Think on all the PC games which are realeased and are often only Beta versions. We or I would wait for the 'perfect' Version.


Take your time, please don't push yourself <3


Ah bugger, I forgot how patreon works. I know it's not being made for this, but if theres anyway you could jam a pistol grip tav in there so we could try rescaling and fitting these to our infantry thag would be super rad >.> i have always wanted to field my infantry with fatling barrells on everything


Quality before quantity


As much as I want the mech now, I'm glad you're going nuts on it. Keep it up, its gonna be awesome and I need more mechs to kitbash.

Yellow Sign Studio

Bipod, scope(s)/target designators, bayonet, sniper/AMR barrel, long stock, to name a few.


They look great, having the option to mount the weapons rather than have them “held” would be great too.


Rail gun and maybe some kind of giant sword?


Don't forget the flamer! If you weren't asking for more input. I would be ashamed to say it. Giving us this many options already!


Cannot stress how excited I am for this. Thank you thank you thank you. Rescale for heavy gear and gamma wolves and pretty much all the mechs all the time now.


So many options! This is so cool thanks for doing this


This will be relatively easy to do - I basically started by scaling up one of our Regiments rifles by 150%, so scaling the mech gun down by 60% should put it back at human size.

Alberto Camargo Garcia

That's looking awesome ^_^. If anything, I'd like to see an option for shouder-mounted rocket packs, something similar to what russian helos used to have.


I don't think its in there at the moment; a normal magazine. You know, the little rectangle you click in under your rifle. Should be one of the easier ones to make, and you askes for suggestions... :)


This looks great! I'm very excited to see what the end product will be! As for suggestions the two things that come to mind would be a railgun, and then a missile pod. For the missile pod something like the Titanfall 1 quad rocket, or the Ogre Titan's shoulder missile pod would be amazing. Keep up the awesome work!


Awesome stuff! thanks for keeping us in the loop! agreed with the others of the opinion: Feel free to go crazy like this as often as needed lol! if we get a release later in January, then its less of a wait to another release! I call that a win win!


Mech Melee weapons will have to feature at some point, but not in this release, as I would want to do it properly! :)

Joseph Muir

So who else feels like scales them up for a 1:1 size as a prop? I love this.


Perhaps something along the lines of a rocket launcher or plasma cannon?