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Good Evening Patrons,

We've just completed our first month and the project is off to an incredible start, with plenty of you sharing amazing photos of your printed miniatures!  

Here is some important information particularly for those of you who have joined in the last few days.

Can I get Mays "Over The Top" release still?

Quite a few of you have asked if you can get the "Over The Top" release wave still. We are new to both Patreon and selling STL's and are still working things out. 

The answer is that Yes, we will offer a way for patrons who missed out to gain access to the files from month one (and future months), but we have not worked out the best way to do it. 

Given the pressure we are under at the moment during the lockdown, it's not possible to know for certain when we will be able to sort it out, so we appreciate your patience.

Trench Infantry printed on our in house ASIGA machine with 30um xyz resolution.

When do I need to download the files?

Welcome pack files are available indefinitely, with the links in the first two posts we put up. The links for the "Over The Top" release will only work until the end of June.

We have recently uploaded the 6th leg pose which was missing accidentally, and we are planning to upload a hollowed, pre-supported Ogre, and hollowed, orientated Scatter Terrain, in the next week or two.

The Big Survey - Last Chance!

Click through to this post for a last chance to fill in our big survey and contribute your views to help us take the project forward!


We are closing the Survey early tomorrow morning so we can assess the results, and will report back soon!

What's Next?

The theme for June is AUTOMATA - We will be designing a variety of robotic infantry, fully modular and compatible with our Regiments range. We are putting together some draft sculpts and designs this week and will have some previews soon!

We are excited to share what we are working on with you all! 

Team Anvil

P.s Our scatter terrain elements print great on FDM machines!  Here are some example parts we made on our Prusa MK3.



great works,It seems that the "TrenchArmour_NoHead_5" file is also missing in the "Torsos-Plate Armour with neck socket for separate head" file.


So your saying June will be all about mechanicus robits? Aw Hells Yea!!


That's one possible use, of course, but we will be trying to make robots which fit a variety of themes/games (as well as not treading on GW IP..)


Indeed, thanks for the heads up, I have uploaded it now (and will take greater care to double check for future months).


will we get like robot arms and such to use with torsos from the trench set?


On a bit of a robot kick at the moment so some robotic ground pounders sounds right up my alley. Hoping we get some Ghost in the Shell or Appleseed inspired figures myself.


>Automata *looks at 2B STL that still needs printing* Oh boy here we go again


Could you guys email out a link to all downloads for the month?


We are going to look at using emails next month if it seems easier. You ought to have a got a patreon message from us on the 31st with your download links for Mays release?

Archmagos Azrael Grimm

Automata? Machine God I though trench was an awesome theme!


I deffently would love mech robot things