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We've put together this render turn table so you can see some of the models in more details! We are excited to share these models with you all in just a few days time!

We will be distributing a download link to all Patrons on Sunday 31st, once we've put the finishing touches to the models.


Anvil Digital Forge May Release - "Over the Top"

Enlist on Patreon by 31 May 2020 to get access to this months trench warfare themed download pack! https://www.patreon.com/anvildigitalforge Featuring over 50 separate components including characters, modular infantry and terrain pieces!



Had me worried there for a second that I'd missed a download link or something! I'm really excited to be getting these and really looking forward to see what kinds of things you have planned for the future!


Can't wait for this, 3d printer turned up literally 30 minutes ago :D


Wow, the medic looks awesome! I so need him!😄


It is very sad that the link is available for download only one day, because if you do not have time to download, you will lose the model. And given that there is still an hour difference, you may not have time to get models at all

Wulf Tyrson

I'm pretty sure they said the stuff will be live throughout next month. The link just goes live on that date.


Cant wait for this

Kenneth Day

The title to this post is a bit badly worded.


As expected. This is all awesome 🤩


I'm a bit confused about all the love that massive minis get from patrons these days; I'm not a fan. But I've not been able to put my finger on why - until today when I watched this video, and I think I now know: the giant ogre guy in the video just looks like an up-scaled version of a regular guy. Is he supposed to be a giant? Or is it just showing us that you can take regular guys and make them bigger? To make the big guy look really big, surely his equipment should be small? Should he have a backpack the same size as the regular guys? Or something that is completely different to the others (to indicate that the big fella can carry bigger, heavier equipment)? Military equipment is most likely made to a standard size; not scaled up or down to match the person carrying it. The ogre guy would look far bigger and more impressive if the equipment was smaller, in relation to his body, no?


Thanks for your feedback. The Ogre figure has very different proportions to the regular troops, not just an upscale which would look quite different, though I agree the similar but bigger equipment confuses things. The weapon in this case is one which would normally be tripod mounted for the regular size figures!


My own objection to massive models is that from experience, they are huge pain, and very expensive, to print, and a much bigger waste of time and money if a print failed. We will still include some though because they can be very awesome!


waiting for your work


I've often wondered why they are so popular. The clue is in the name - 28/32mm *miniature* modelling. Printing big chunky minis properly (hollowing out, connecting internal chambers, making drain holes etc) is a nightmare. I can understand someone with fantasy minis wanting a big dragon. But just making minis that at 1.5x - 3x larger than usual that just look like scaled up regular minis... I just don't understand why some people love them so much! I agree completely about printing big stuff too - it's a pain!


Gonna zbrush these guys onto a chaos renegade force. The chainmail really gives them a halfway into chaos look. Can't wait!


not always available ?! what hour ? Thx


These look amazing and I am really looking forward to seeing more. Sadly due to being furloughed I am having to miss out on June as I just cant afford to are the cash but should hopefully be back at work for July and repldge then. amazing work guys wtg


No problem Marc we are totally ok with people only supporting for selected months :) Thanks for your kind words!


can i buy this package separately? I found your patreon to late...


Hello, Not yet, but at some point, all the STLs will be available either as a bundle or possible separate components - we have not yet decided how to do it.

We Are Not Home Today

Was there only Trench Coat legs for May? I feel like the plate armour should have had different legs. Just a thought. Also there were some Misc pieces like the Female Leg and Plate Torso (no arms) and the Plate Male with no Arms or head. Love the Models, they are awesome and fit my Scifi Theme I like.


We can look at plate armour legs for a future month or resin release, it would be a good option. Two of the torsos are female and go with the female legs - they have a ball joint. The separate torsos are for people who want to use them with any of our existing resin components. I am glad you like the models!