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Firstly, We are really pleased that the project is off to such a strong start! Thank you for your trust and support in the first few weeks!   Now....

Prepare for Brutal Trench Warfare!  

Our first set of models for May contains over 50 separate components, and today we have renders of everything included!

First up here is everything in one image!

First up we have semi-modular infantry - 4 male and 2 female figures.  Where parts are interchangeable/poseable they use the same modular joint as all our resin Regiments models, so can be easily combined with any of our physical components if desired.

The arms carry the supplied digital "Forge Pattern" rifle or are compatible with any of our resin "rifle stock" weapons. 

We have created 3 different sets to suit a wider range of themes.

  • Plate Armour without Gasmask, and with a separate head supplied 
  • Integrated Gasmask over Plate Armour.
  • Integrated Gasmask over Trenchcoat.

We are also supplying the Plate Armour Torso as a separate component, so you can make similar models which use any of our Regiments arms.

Here you can see exploded examples of how the models are assembled:

Larger photos of some separate components are included at the bottom.

Incinerate your foes with 2x Weapon Specialist:  Flame Thrower and Ion Rifle. 

These models are a single piece to allow us full design flexibility, and pair with any of the male legs. The front of each weapon prints separately for optimum quality.
For each specialist, we have done a version with Plate Armour and Gasmask, and a version with a Chainmail visor.

To lead your infantry into battle, you'll need a Command Squad!

We have designed 5 individual highly detailed character miniatures

Some components will be separated to make printing easier, but they are designed to be a single pose because this gives us maximum freedom to design interesting looking figures. 

The Officer

with optional alternative head with pickelhaube

The Standard Bearer

The Combat Engineer, with plenty of equipment and a strong bionic arm to carry it!

The Spotter/Radio Operator

The Medic

And finally, if your regular size troopers aren't up to the job, you may need to send in an Armoured Ogre with Lewis Gun!

We've also done a version of the Ogre without the Gasmask. 

Finally, to give you something to fight over, and something for our $3 supporters, here is the Trench scatter terrain pack

It includes several different bunker entrances, a radio tower and some modular power generator elements which can be assembled in many different combinations....

These scatter terrain elements are designed to provide some cover for standard 28mm models, but could be printed at almost any size!

Below are a few bigger images of the separate infantry parts, and we will also be putting up some turntable render videos in the coming days.

If you have any questions, comments, or feedback, fire away in the comments or on our Discord!

Thanks again for your support  in the first few weeks of our project!! 



Blown away guys. Great work!


Love it. That ogre is amazing


So is this May release or June release? It says June but I thought over the top was May release ?


awesome work! O:


Ahem.. Fixed that now! Thanks. We are doing each months release at the end of the month, so 31st of May will see all this stuff available for download, and the files will remain available throughout June.


AMAZING!!!!!!!!!!! <3


Some seriously amazing work here. Great job guys! So thrilled to have found out about your patreon.


Loved everything... If I had to cancel all my Patreons and remain with just one, you would be that one.

Grant Dawson

love that you threw in the ogryns, I already have a lot of guard but no way am i not making a kill team out of these!


Man oh man, I am in some real trouble here! :O


Modular! My heart is with you.


love the guardsmen, good job


Loving everything so far!


Amazing, loving the plate armour.


Glad to be supporting such great work! ;)


Man, Patreon is so confusing. I can't figure out how to download these.


The "Over the Top" release is coming soon! There will be an announcement when they're available. In the meantime there is the welcome pack that's got links to their downloads in an earlier post.

Joseph Muir

I love this, only thing missing is more weapon option. I hope in the next month we can get bits that will work with this for shotguns, gernade launchers, etc. Keep up the great work.


I agree it's a good starting point just needs fleshing out with additional options


I'll discuss with the team - a few extras might be doable


Nice !!! I can't wait to download and print them <3 !!!!


I would love to see some calf length boots with the long coat for the troops like the command squad models have! The shin/knee plate really tie together with the torso armour


any chance of some grenade launchers compatible with the new style stocks?


Would love a simple set of Sergeant-style arms; pistol and blade of some description just to round out the squads.


Hey man, good to see you here I love your painting tutorials really helped me :)


Please please do a full Line


We may expand this offering a little in the future. An easy win will be to release torsos with the gasmask heads which are then compatible with all our existing resin arms.


I just became a member; any way to get access to these still?


Hi Jaspar, welcome! Unfortunately not at the moment. We are intending to offer STL's from prior months for sale in some way, but have not yet worked out the best way to go about doing it. Thanks




just a bit of feedback. this makes me really angry and makes me want to quit again. :'( Really makes no sense to take away this list before you upload the next set of files. ESPECIALLY because your release at the end of a month. It projects "greed" to me.


All these models will be available for separate STL sale when we have a chance to figure out how best to list them/organise it :)


Will patreons get them at a reduced price...loyalty should be rewarded...

Jesse Hammil

Bummed I found out about you guys too late to get this. Looking forward to when I can purchase this in future!


Is it possible to just buy a single Model from this set?


some of the characters are sold separately on our website. they are available digitally and as 3D prints, and will be available as resin miniatures later this year.