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This Month's Download Links

Usually within the first week of each month (our target is the 3rd), we will put up a -DOWNLOAD LINK- post on Patreon granting immediate access to the monthly miniatures set.

Just before the end of the month the link will expire and be removed, don't panic! Within a few days after the month ends, everyone who is entitled to those downloads will be sent an email invite to download/redeem them on MyMiniFactory. This email will come from MyMiniFactory directly.

You can gain access to the files via MMF at any time in the future, so there is no need to download the files immediately if you do not need them yet.

Discount Codes on our Back Catalogue

If you want to gain access to our huge back catalogue of digital content, including website exclusive downloads, as a supporter you can get them from the Anvil Industry website with a 40% discount! Just use the link below (code renewed each month):


Alternatively, you can buy the downloads on MyMiniFactory at 40% off with this discount code: CP92NW


Get The Welcome Pack Immediately:

Our Welcome pack contains over 100+ high quality Pre-Support STLs including complete character models, fully modular infantry components and detailed scatter terrain elements!

You can view the entire welcome pack contents in more detail on our Public Welcome Pack Page

To Download the welcome pack use this link:


Password (case-sensitive) : EllionHesp

End User Licence Agreement:

We remind Patrons that the use of our files is subject to our EULA which is included in the "About us" section on Patreon and is also available as a .txt file in the file folders. You can use our files for any reasonable personal use, but may not share the files or sell printed components.

If you know someone who would enjoy these files, please let them know about Anvil Digital Forge and encourage them to also sign up, so we can fund the creation of more awesome miniatures together!

Want to come chat with us directly? Then jump on our Discord Server!

Thank you so much for your support!

Team Anvil



How i can download the month Stls files?


There is a recent post with 'download link' in the title for immediate downloads, or alternatively you will get a MMF link just after the end of the month. :)

Jeremy Bernhardt

"You can gain access to the files via MMF at any time in the future, so there is no need to download the files immediately if you do not need them yet." This doesn't apply to the Welcome Pack, and Anvil will not resend a link to those files (even when Welcome Pack has not been updated). The Welcome pack is not shared through MMF. If you forget to download them before the end of the month, you don't get all of the files you paid for. Learned this the hard way when I had some corrupt files and decided not to back for a few months. Welcome pack really should be shared through MMF like the other files and like other Patreons do.


Which model is shown in the intro video at 1:15? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WD-DNrtJkLA&t=76s


Hi Jeremy, Thanks for your feedback. The welcome pack is a free bonus set available all the time, it doesn't form part of the paid for files, which is why we'd not thought it critical to have on MMF, though I do understand your point of view. We will take another look to see if we can make the welcome pack available through MMF, we are not purposefully trying to make it difficult for Patrons!


Sorry, another question - do you remember what paint was used for these - https://www.anvilindustry.co.uk/studio-stargrave-crew The orangey red. I've tried to recreate it but failed.


Discount code for MMF is not working


The MMF discount code keeps giving me an error. Any solutions would be appreciated.


Hi, I keep getting an error: already redeemed when I try to add the coalition marines to my mmf profile


Having a look at the beck-end, I can see that the bundle should already be in your library. I can resend the redeem link, but you might be able to find it by looking in the "Shared With Me" section.


Stupid question (new to patreon) can I come back and download these things when ever or do I only have one occasion to download them? Like in the month they are released?


Hi Nathan, thanks for your support! The welcome packs are available indefinitely. The monthly packs - for now, will be available to download for a limited window. We have not yet worked out all the details, but there will be plenty of time given :)


Lena looks great and would fit perfectly into a cyberpunk game I'm running. But in all honesty, despite having absolutely no use for him, I think Exo-Lord Ranger Captain is my favourite from the welcome pack!


Armoured Commisar was always my favorite character you guys put out. Simple but powerful.


nice ,amazing model ,i love scifi and w40k theme


I have to say the Captain is gorgeous. Would take some kitbashing to make him work completely, but I am hoping to use him as the Captain of my Exorcists since he is a truly amazing looking model. The Commisar is a CLOSE second, really love the look.


These models are so gorgeous , I love them all !!


Anyone else unable to open them once downloaded? Or just me


Hi Adam, what software are you using to open them? are they extracted (if zipped for download) and in .STL format?


I'm using prusaslicer, and they've all been extracted and are in Stl format yes. Thought it might be a dodgy download as my wifi did cut out, but after redoing them I still have the same issue 🤷‍♂️


have you tried loading other STL files - for example free objects from thiniverse to test? We use prusa slicer in our workflow and have had no issues that I am aware of.


Yeah I've sorted it all now just had to download them all individually


hi there, getting an error message when following the link.


What exactly does the error say? I cant reproduce it on my computer, perhaps email a screen grab to support@anvilindustry.co.uk

Northern Light

I really like the armory but kann you recut the open display case so that cover and body are single parts? it is a pain to support this groups


Hello, Thank you for bringing this to my attention. They were uploaded the wrong way up. I have separated them into the bottoms, and the lids, and put them in the best orientation for supporting. :)


Hi, new Patron and i'm looking forward to printing the models over the weekend. One question though, with stuff like the equipment - could we either get everything on a sprue or in separate files?


Hi Johnathan. You can use various 3D programs to split out just specific components, where they are supplied in combined files. We will consider your feedback for future releases though. :)


Will you be adding other digital content to your store? I'd love to pick up the Automata from June.


I've downloaded the Post-Apoc minis, and they all look great. But, there seems to be missing hands, left hands, specifically. Or am _I_ missing something?


You can mirror any of the arms or hands to make them left :)


So nice!! Any Dark heresy or 40k related project or scenary?? would be great!


where is the discord invite link? I'm synced to a couple patreon discords but I can't even find an invite link


New supporter here. Let me tell you that your work is amazing! You guys are the main reason that i buy a resin printer!


Where can I find the bases?


Hi Michael, Bases are not currently supplied with any of our digital miniatures. You can use plastic ones or its likely there re free to download bases on thingyverse.


Any recommendations for a resin printer? I've played around using a friend's set-up but I'd really like to get something specifically for doing minis and small models.


Anything with a pixel size 47um or smaller is good. I am currently using a Phrozen Sonic Mini 4K which is really excellent, for not much extra money, there might be a bit of a wait on them at the moment though.

Matthew Walker

I loaded all the minis for December on my build plate of the Peopoly Phenom. Its great to get it done in one go but if you don't mind doing multiple prints to get all your minis the Anycubic Photon will work fine.

Matthew Walker

Do you have any plans to make a supported version of the welcome pack?


I picked up a phrozen mini 4k before Christmas cant recommend it enough the details the best iv seen from a relatively cheap printer once you fine tune the settings to your liking. I'm running my prints at 0.03 for layer height it takes longer but I cant believe the fine details I can get with it


Finally had the chance to join up.. So happy right now.. These are.. as usual.. Top level sculpts.. Cant wait to get some squads on the table.


Hey just joined but I am completely new to stls, is it possible the print the mini whole or is it all printed as individual parts that I will glue together?


all the parts are supplied supported for separate printing and assembly with glue. you can of course assemble a complete figure digitally but some skill will be needed. I hope to do a tutorial on the process at some point.


The discount link isn’t working for me says the code is no longer valid


Sweet thanks!!


Just joined, been looking for "imperial guard" multipart kits.......seems I stumbled into the correct bar.


I'm using these for the obvious imperial guardsmen alternatives. Are there any future plans for possible traitor/chaotic designs?


We did a previous armoured renegades month which is available here https://anvilindustry.co.uk/digital-renegades-complete-july-bundle Its possible we will do more in future but not planned this year.


Just stumbling on this post: is there any news on pre-supported characters from the welcome pack?


Have not got around to it yet, sorry. We will refresh and update the welcome pack later in the year hopefully.


Has the discount code for August been posted anywhere yet? I might have missed it.

William H

Just joined, everything looks great! Does the code not work on the DIGITAL - ARMOURED TRENCHER INFANTRY listing rather than just the bundle? I don't see the infantry listing on the discount code page. Was just looking to get the bodies and legs to recreate the recent Sonic Sledgehammer Studios painting tutorial.


Finally had the spare cash (and access to a 3d printer) to pitch in on the Patreon. May not be able to do so forever, but I'll be here as long as I'm able. Everything I've ordered from you folks has been absolutely capital quality and I absolutely intend to order more in the future.


I just joined, but the website discount code is not valid. Will there be a new one? I'd like to purchase the light mech bundle from Jan 2021.

Costa Gauci

I'm sure I saw the post with the stl files for this earlier today?