Power Girl - Early Wip Peek + Juri Sound Update (Patreon)
Started working on the Power Girl animation, and let me tell you... it started off on a downward slope! I haven't animated sex much and this chosen position was proving really tough for me.
But things are progressing better now with the motions. I still have a lot to do - it is really early days, but I'll keep going at it.
I'm uploading a small VERY EARLY wip in the 720p folder. It's just some proof that I am working on her!
I've also finally gotten a hold of those new Juri sound files which I'll be going over. Sort of juggling between her and Power Girl, so I've got a lot to keep me busy!
Expect emails from me shortly with those Mega folder links, particularly for the new supporters. Thank you again for choosing to support me!