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Quite a clean up job this one! But I'm very happy with the results! Smooth butts woohoo!

I hope you'll like it too!


tracer booty overwatch by urbanator-daps8en


Captain Xero

Scratch my previous statement. THIS is actually why you support your bud Urbanator. Watching the process of making this from start to finish was incredibly fascinating, only to see the result being something I could never imagine was as perfect as I could ever hope. For those in the lower tiers, I use the image above as the pretense to me saying never be afraid to support Urbanator further. A kind duder all the way through the process, makes sure you get exactly what you asked for (and then some), shows you the steps, makes you want to see the finalized piece only to somehow keep it going better and better. I could ramble on for a while why you should keep supporting him, but everybody here already does. All I can say is, for those who haven't had the chance to get work from him yet, try to get in line while you still can. For those in que, you're in for some amazing results. For me? It's time for round 2... kappa.

Ciarán M

Oh man... Once again, the finished work is an absolute delight to behold and I love putting it side-by-side with the WIP to see all of the ways you've improved it :D. The edges (you know which ones XD) are so incredibly smooth now, I really like the lighting effects, especially on Tracer's face and visor and Widowmaker's glorious purple hair has such a wonderful level of detail to it, I also love the blush on her face in the 2nd and 3rd panels, really showing just how blown away she is by what lays before her (who wouldn't be? ;) ). Fantastic work as usual :D.


Oh damn, you sure did a mighty fine clean-up job. Everything looks so smooth and sharp. And see, people even noticed the work on Tracer's face and visor :D


I'm glad you all appreciate the work on Tracer, cause looking back at the WIP, she looks very meh incomparison. :V

The Duke

Deepest lore


is everyone else as bummed as i am?


Good work!)


the picture is not there for me says cant be found


nevermind..Great job