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See this is why I don't post links directly on Patreon, even the ones I DM people get leaked. AND this is why I'm always changing the links every time I update the folders.

People better not ask me for links cause you won't be getting them until I'm good and ready. I can't stop the leaks but it is absolutely making me bitter.

And it really winds me up that people don't read the tiers before signing up. One more person messages me asking for links, just one more I swear...


DMs of urbanator from Patreon | Kemono

Hey, got that new Jill content in the 720/1080/2160p folders! Take a look if you fancy it! Warning though, the 2160p version is a ridiculous size. And I do mean ridiculous. https://mega.nz/folder/LnQ1VChS#Gm5VvSu9N41U8j0WtxULTg -2160p Mega https://mega.nz/folder/buJhjKKb#WhfClndYVUS9k3QaV401mg - 1080p Mega https://mega.nz/folder/vnQTUIxA#rwZD-ARlMKoGUByy4SC_OQ - 720p Mega https://mega.nz/folder/iuZDCaiQ#HSh03enSN-VQWuDkLrTpmQ - Finished Art Mega


Angelo B.

Siiigh. The torment will never stop because people equal shit! Yes, I quoted slipknot.


Sucks to hear it mate, you're content is so high quality. Really sucks that there's people who don't respect it.

Snake Plissken

Yeah the tina thing was great! (I do wish the titties got more cum on them hehe)


If the programme had better cum options, I'd have gladly done that haha


People asking for links because they don’t read is going to happen inevitably lol. A lot of people are just ready to spend there money since your content is high quality.


I appreciate that and I was peeved when I was writing this haha, but I just couldn't believe how easily even the DM's were leaked.

Grim Diddly

I support you cos i wanna see more not jusr for the end result and i know alot of people here feel the same

Grim Diddly

point is dont give pirates the attention you just focus on you and we still support you getting better and better


I use the link , but can not work , how could it be? Should I use some cipher?


Please wait for me to send you new links in private message. I update everyone with new links when I have updated the folders with new content.