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Had this suggested to me by a few patrons and i'm slowly starting consider it..Tho.

This probably wouldn't work out well. Given how anti-social i've been even among friends. But i did say i wanted to be more engaging/active with you all and in general.

So maybe this wouldn't be a bad idea.

What do you guys think? Would you like to see a patreon discord server? (I dabbled and made a test server months ago. humoring the idea for a Patreon Only Server. Maybe I can spruce it up and make it open for you guys.)



Yes please!!!!


I don't see how it would be a major problem. Like you don't have to be on there every single day and so on, would be ridiculous. Just be more of making sure people don't get out of hand or something. But yes, I am down for this.


I don't see a problem with it.


More artists are making discord servers and I personally enjoy it, so I reckon access to a discord server via your patreon pledge would be great. Even if you're not active on it the people supporting you can get to interact more which means it'll foster a better community around you.


would love it very much~ :3


It could be a great idea, not only for quick updates but for also to have some quick interactions with the Patreons.


It sounds like a fun idea. I mean even if you are anti social your friends/fans/patrons can still talk with each other. This can be funny from time to time. And if someone new has a question you can open a Ask/Question tab where problems can be solved not only by you but also by the ppl that know you for a longer time and already know the answer. Same goes for tabs like Requests, Sugestions and all the different pledge (1$, 5$, 10$...) patrons. You can pretty much do all the stuff on discord without clicking through all the posts/links/messages on Patreon to see if something new. And it's maybe the best and easiest way to let ppl know that you are streaming c:


I think that'd be pretty neat. though I am also pretty reclusive.