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Not really much of an issue. But large amount of patrons didn't show up for said request stream. That's largely my fault for not keeping time-zones in mind, streaming so late at night and not mentioning an actual Stream TIME. (Not just a date)

So next time I do another Request Stream, I feel it would be best BEFORE i start streaming to ask everyone in one big post for their suggestions/requests 2-3 days in-advance.

I would like to simply do streams with people in them, but eh. I can deal.

Thank you for your time! Have a good Sunday all!



I think having a set time to go along with the date will do wonders for stream population. Time zone usually isn't too huge of an issue, people are going to show up regardless if they really want to watch your stream. For me, I couldn't sit at my computer all day waiting for the stream to go up, but if you set a time I could have planned ahead. Just my two cents, hope it helps.


Yea, that's far more understandable. ;; I'll make sure from now on and in the future Streams Announcements give an Exact date and TIME. (If possible a week in advance too) Kinda foolish of me expecting everyone to wait so long. My apologies guys. @_@;;;