Stray Dog Chap. 19 part. 04 (Patreon)
EDIT : next pages are now online for reading, thanks for your great patience.^^
WARNING : I'm still uploading the next pages of this new chapter (this last times, Patreon is sometimes slow when the content is in HQ, and I have to upload each page one by one U_U, that explains that I cannot put online all the content in one time.)
So, be a little more patient ( especially for poeple that have the knidness to reviewing the chapters, please just wait for some additional time for having the totality of the pages for reviewing ^^), the next pages are... "now downloading", as we can have in video games...^^
I'll edit here too when all will be put online, you'll be alerted of this by a little new notification.^^
Thank you, and see you soon for the rest of the chapter !^^=