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Heyo, just letting you know what I can finish next month on Patreon:

  • Chapter 96 (roughly 50+ panels).
    They're about the same as what I could finish this month (half of the full Chapter 95). 

Current status:

  • I finish drawing only half of those panels, and haven't sent them out to my assistant to be flatted yet. Plan to do that by this weekend.
  • ETA of finished colored chapter is after mid March for the first half of Ch.96, and the last half by the end of March.

Right now, I lack inspiration for any extras (February was mentally draining).
However, if there happens to be an extra, it will be something that spontaneously comes to mind.

I may post random polls that seems unrelated to MD in the future, to get some idea about you, my readers.


Counting Down to the Finale

Before my extended hiatus, I had initially estimated around 10 chapters remaining until the conclusion. However, that was inaccurate.

Now, with a rough draft in writing (without drawings), I anticipate the  finale to be in Chapter 107, with each chapter from now until then consisting of approximately 50+ panels.

TBH, I freaked out cos of how many drawings I still have to do...
But last week I finished listening to this book and felt better afterwards.

Whenever I opened Audible, the algorithm kept suggesting that title for about a month, but I ignored it, thinking, "Ehh, what does it know about what I need?

Then my favorite self-help author made a youtube video suggesting that book, so I gave it a shot and so glad I did. 

So I guess the almighty Amazon's algorithm knows me more than I know myself...


And yeah, I love listening to self-help shit when I do chores around the house. Gimme a high five if you like self-help shit too lol.


That is all, wishing you a wonderful rest of the week.

Thank you for reading all the way down here!



Go to the pinned post to binge all previous chapters in a mobile friendly browser (up to Chapter 93). I will update the website in a few days to cover up to the latest update.

Finished chapters so far: MD CH.92 - MD CH.93 - MD CH.94 - MD CH.95 




Self help stuff really helps. I like to read about it too. Mission diversion is pretty well worth the wait. I'm sad that it is almost over. I love the side stories you had about these two out of the actual plot of mission diversion. Wanted to know what happens after the set lol. Nonetheless, I love your drawings and the storyline. Always leaves me wanting more =]


Hehe yeah, self-help really helps lol. I'm glad you enjoy MD (^^) That side story was a brainchild from reading too many smutty rom-com novels during the pandemic lol, not sure if I'm inspired to work on it now since I no longer reading contemporary romance (^^") I come up with stuff inspired from what I consume usually, hehe Thank you for the kind words ♡\( ̄▽ ̄)/♡

Zoe Gnobo

whoa u posted a day after my b day!!! lol