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This chapter takes a while to make because of the backgrounds. (-_-")

I usually try to avoid very defining backgrounds and go with something abstract to speed things up but unfortunately, once North and Cora leave the tree house, the environment needs to be defined.

Thankfully, my assistant Krisha is willing to help me with painting the forest.

The image above was her first stab on the forest and it took her two weeks to finish.

I’m coloring the characters and sketching out future chapters while waiting for her backgrounds.

The next few panels took her only a day or two each, since now she can reuse the trees from the first panel she did.

After I color and add the effects, I blur them to reuse in medium shots panels, so we don’t have to make custom backgrounds for every panel. 

I don't think I'll ever finish this chapter if every background is custom painted (^^').

I change the lighting so they don't seem to obvious that the BGs are copy paste sections from this same image below

The last part of Ch.95 (panel 77 to 106) should be finished within a week or so, by the end of the month for sure.

Thank you for your patience.
Apologies for the radio silence, I'm just a little brain dead this month...

But I always make time to plow thru panels by panels and keep moving forward!



Finished partial chapter:
Ch.95 Part 3 (panel 49-76)
Ch.95 Part 2 (Panel 16-48)
Ch.95 Part 1 (Panel 1-15)

Go to the pinned post to binge all previous chapters in a mobile friendly browser.

Finished full chapter: MD CH.92 - MD CH.93 - MD CH.94



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