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I'm still in the middle of moving 4000 km away.

In the past couple miserable years, I have found solace in some sexy romance books on Kindle. Once I'm hooked on a story, I could never put it down. Have to keep reading no matter what.

However, reading steamy scenes in a crowded airplane turned out to be a bit uncomfortable. I kept looking around me like a guilty teenager even though no one cares lol.

Anyway, hope you have a great month.
I'll pop by next month with the Patreon pause screenshot.


P.S. If you are also an avid kindle reader, lemme know. Perhaps I can get some romance books recommendation from ya.




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Ooh yes I have some recommendations for you girl lol. Anything by Jaci Burton is great but I really prefer the Play by Play series, it's more to do with hot athletes and since I love baseball and other sports, I picked those up first :) good luck with the rest of your move! <3


Oh hell yes, the ones with shiny naked dude on the cover is two thumbs up lol. Gonna download the samples and add it to my TBR hehehe thanks for the recs! (^^)b


Sarah Bailey's Four Horsemen series is good but they're extremely dark romance books. Anything by K.F. Breene, L. Steele, and Sophie Lark. They are the reasons I now pay for Kindle Unlimited. 🤦🏾‍♀️


The four horsemen series I read was from Laura Thallassa, I love dark romance with lots of dead bodies lol. Pestilence and Famine got me thru the darkest days of last year, loved it. I have Sophie Lark samples, I heard a lot of good things about her books. The other two I've seen but haven't read.