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Howdy everyone,
Thank you for your patience and I apologize for the long radio silence. I figured I should post all the goodies first, instead of talking about the cause of the delays.

A few were asking about the NSFW goodies cos they don't wanna miss out (since I have to clean up every 1-2 months). I was planning to churn out those backlogged goodies this month but I'm only caught up with half this list so far.

I posted all the perks this month instead of using DM cos Patreon changed the way they show lists of patrons and I haven't figured out their new display yet.

The ones I haven't caught up on yet are the Naughty Side Story #9 and NSFW Dessert. I don't have an ETA for that yet cos the side story is 50+ panels, and I'm still recovering from burnout. If you already pledged in November, you'll get a DM with a download link whenever it's ready.


Here's what I plan to post in February 2021:

  • Mission Diversion #86-87
    It's double the length of #85 and my assistants are working on the color right now. It should be posted here early February.
  • If I don't get the naughty side story + its dessert done in February, then I will replace it with something short like the ones posted this month instead.

Please bear in mind that these plans can be thrown off course like it had been the past two years.


Last year I said f*ck 2019, and 2020 was gonna be better but then 2020 turned into some shitty Black Mirror episode meets Idiocracy. So, I'm not gonna say anything about 2021.


The last thing I tried to control was trying to finish #85 by the end of the year, but when my helpers got sick, I threw my hands up in the air. Que sera sera.


A close friend advised me to not worry about things outside my control to avoid stress, so that's pretty much my only new year's resolution. Nothing else.

Here's what I'm gonna do from here and out:

  • I'll do my best to get the next chapter done,
  • then I get feedback and edit,
  • then send it out to my helpers to finish the art,
  • when they finish, I'll post it on Patreon.
  • After I deliver my Patreon goodies for the month, then I'll update every 3-4 weeks on Webtoon.

If I can finish this comic sooner, that's better since I really wanted to finish this by the end of 2019.
If you still dig my story, that's wonderful and very heartening.
I do what I can on my end, whatever happens after that shall happen.

(^_^;) (-.-)

I hope that doesn't sound dismissive cos I am massively grateful for your patience and generosity. My Patreon is what keeps my kitchen running, but I also don't want anyone to feel bad if they had to leave.

I test drove Webtoon Ad-revenue to help cover the bloated cost of hiring all the extra assistants. I thought hey, beggars can't be choosers. (^^;)
Then I disabled it after 6 months because dealing with getting banned every few weeks after previously approved is a huge energy/timesuck on top of dealing with life issues back in November.
I have very limited energy these days and I'd rather channel that to produce something that you and I enjoy.


Anyhoo, I'm trying to shift all the goodies delivery toward the beginning of the month, and announce the following month's goodies a week before the end of the month. You can make adjustments to your pledges to what suits you best based on this news.

<(_ _)>

The next post I'll make is probably Mission Diversion #86-87 in February, and I'll try to post some behind the scenes stuff that month as well.

Thank you for reading all the way down here. I hope you have a lovely rest of the month!





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