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A quick update from Mo's kitchen, this month's main dishes are still in the oven (;・∀・)

My longtime assistant Lester, (the one person on this planet who knows my coloring setup) got hitched!
Congrats to him! (─‿─)
He had a wedding and moved to a new apartment all within two weeks' time in mid June.

I finally got him back two days ago and he's got a ton of work to finish.
I drew 70+ panels, but if this doesn't get colored by June 30, I may have to cut it in half and post the other half a few days later.
Since this will be a story chapter that ties many things together, I want to post the entire 70+ panels update so it makes sense in one read.

It took me a whole month in May to find 3 artists that can ink my sketches, but one of them turned out to be very unreliable. That was a big bummer  that delayed my cooking process cos I had to fix some of his work and hired another guy last minute, while trying to crank content out.

Thankfully the other two turned out great! They get that Japanese standard of perfection, and the new guy for next month seems reliable.

Anyway, just letting you know these are the reasons why I haven't posted yet and I'm doing my best to finish them.

I'm currently working on the naughty side story part 4 (shorter than part 3 cos of all of the hurdles above), which will be done before the main comic chapter.
I'm giving myself a deadline of Sunday June 28th to deliver all NSFW content here.

Lester said he will turn all the color by Sunday, so it gives me a couple of days to finalize everything by June 30. He's my super assistant, so fingers crossed!! (○`・Д・´)9

Also, I got at least two dudes applied with portfolios full of hentai with boobs the size of watermelons. I laughed and  shook my head. Those porn are just too goofy for me, lol...

Back to the bunker to get stuff done, brb!




Well at least these dudes tried🤣🤣🤣


It's worth waiting for!