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Hey everyone, I hope you all had a safe and wonderful New year. I'm dropping by to let u know that I'm still alive (;´∀`)

Again, my biggest apology for the silence cuz I had to  deal with autoimmune sickness during xmas & New Year. I'd like this  Patreon to be more about the comic and less about life crap, so I try not to post unless there's good news.  That's why the radio silence.


Long story short, things have gotten better since then. This is the first time I get to sit in front of my computer since my last post.

Since  I'm not 100% yet and unsure if I can deliver in February, I once again  hit that pause button on Patreon. There will be no charge until March 2020.

I've just come up with a system to  unload more of the art to hired help while still maintaining control. I tried doing that in 2018 but it was too frustrating and it was faster to just do 90% of the art myself. After getting sick, that's no longer  sustainable. My goal is to outsource at least 50% of the art on the main  comic. The NSFW AU will still 100% on me to avoid giving nosebleed to  anyone I hire (^▽^;)

I'm  still committed to finish this story and will get things done ahead of  time, to avoid unexpected delay once my Patreon is active again in March.

Ideally, a comic should update consistently to maintain the readership, so people don't forget. However, I had to learn the hard way in December 2019 that apparently you can't do anything when you don't have your  health (duhh....)

So even tho I'm doing my best to update, I'm no longer obsessed about working if I'm physically unwell.

I was told 2019 was gonna be a shit year, but the year of the Rat in 2020 should be ok. I'm not into that superstitious stuff,  but I can recognize the comfort it provides when life throws a curveball ┐(-。ー;)┌

Looking  back, what went well in 2019 is your amazing support. Again, I cannot  thank you enough and it is very heartening that you guys and gals are  emotionally and financially invested in a comic made by a stranger you found on the internet.

I don't ever want to disappoint you, and will do my best to finish the next +/- 10 chapters with a satisfying conclusion.

I'm  also extremely grateful for the feedback and support from my two very  busy friends, Newt and Silverfly, and also from my significant other on  this comic making journey.

What didn't go well in 2019: everything else... But hey, now is 2020 and 2019 is water under the bridge (fuck 2019 lol)

If you are in Australia, I hope you stay safe from the fire. It's hard to  have a positive outlook with the amount of crap going on in the world  out there, but I wish everyone here good things and happiness in 2020.

Thanks  again for your patience, and still sticking around despite the delays. I seriously thought this comic would've been finished by July last year, but every time I'm pumped to work on it, there's always some life crap that hinders it. 

I'll be  working with my assistant in the next few weeks and the next post will  be in late February 2020. It should be something positive



PS. I haven't posted on webtoon cos I still haven't got  around to sit and type the patrons credit yet. I may upload the finished chapters without the patrons credit, but that's not because I don't  appreciate your support, that's just to get the upload out of the way.

Thank you for reading!




I hope you get better soon, and take care of yourself!


Hi Mo, I wish you a speedy recovery! May this new year bring you and your family everything good and wonderful in life! May you be blessed with an abundance of joy, peace, love, harmony, health, and success. ! We support you and can't wait to hear from you again! :)