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Sorry guys, the ETA of #62 is more likely Tuesday June 18th. There are around 82 panels, so these drawings take time. I'm also bummed from the passing of a friend last week, and attending a wedding this weekend. Life has been a bit weird, which is another reason why I've paused patreon in July. 

Chapter 62 is going to be a feel good one, and I'll post it here as soon as it's ready. Probably won't be posted on webtoon until June 21st cos I have to make alterations before posting there.

Hope you understand and I wish you all have a good weekend.



Jess MCR

Take as much time as you need! We’ll be waiting until you are ready. You put so much heart into this story, I would hate to see it rushed or pushed in a direction you didn’t want due to stress from readers. I hope the time off helps


Hey thank you, yeah on one hand, there's a certain relief from finishing thru each update, but on another hand, the extra time is needed for various reasons. Thanks again for your kind words! :-)


So sorry to hear you lost a friend, and you must be drained from the wedding. Don't feel any guilt over the delay and thank you for keeping us in the loop! I hope you are able to have a good rest in July so you can process all of the weirdness life throws at us. Much love <3


hey thank you for the lovely supportive words! that's very kind of you! The wedding actually helps cos it's a happy time, but it's pretty tiring too :-)


lol yeah it depends, I've been to some weird cousin wedding in the past that was just odd lol, but this one turn out to be uplifting thankfully :-)


Quality over quantity 💖 in life and work. Take care of yourself first. 😘