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The time spent between North and Cora's is so they can learn something from each other, to prepare them for the finale later. If it's a story chapter, they will be fully clothed, so it doesn't shift the the attention from the dialog. But if the clothes start to come off, it means I'm gearing up for the romance chapters lol ( ͡~ ͜ʖ ͡°)

The time span inside this entire comic is pretty short, the hot stuffs are there to make it harder for them to resist each other within a short period of time.
Also, fanservice lol (o^^o) 

I had a hunch that #60 was gonna burn some eyeballs, but it's nothing unusual in many mature comic/manga I've read. Everyone who read it before I post it here was fine with it as well. It's not possible to please everyone, so I just stick with it and hope for the best lol


One of the few things I use the patreon fund is to buy the hoverbike CG model. My S.O modified the hoverbike to fit two characters, so that both North and Cora can ride on it to get back to the city later.

Thank you everyone for the support, it helps that I didn't have to think twice to make purchases to speed up the making of this comic. If I have to draw every props by hand, it will take 10 times as long to get anything done.

#60 was finished last minute, so I didn't get the chance to put patrons credit on it. I will download the patron's names on May 31st and patron credit will be on the bottom next update on webtoon in June. 



Jess MCR

I really enjoy these post mortem chats you post to let us in on your views and perspectives. It helps add another layer to the story and I think that’s one of the reasons it’s such a joy to read. It’s clear that this means a lot to you


hey thanks! (´∀`)Mostly cos I have sunk way too many hours in it that it would be all for nothing if I don't finish it lol. I skipped the post mortem of the chapters that self explanatory, cos I figured, the chapter should stay on its own without the explanation (´∀`)


Real fans respect the author's / creator's freewill to create. :) And to me, this chapter is commonly mild hahahaha.. but i surely look forward to the next chapters as i can see Cora is too curious to leave North alone. And when she showers, surely North wont be able to let her shower in peace (he is attracted to her since the beginning anyway, just suppressed his feelings due to circumstances).


LOL yeah. If it's an alternate universe, he can be more aggressive, I actually thought of throwing an alternate version of this next chapter lol, cos on the story, he'll be more kosher and things unravel more unpredictably. You'll see(^∀^)


All hail for alternate universe hahahahah. Pls, v need them to unravel MOOOAAARRR...