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One of the biggest reason why romance in the story isn't going tinder express yet is because of that assault attempt that happened in the comic less than an hour ago, (it's a few months ago for the readers lol (;^_^A)

North is somewhat feels bad about it after witnessing Cora got beat up etc, so that's why he's less aggressive than usual. His niceness also mostly motivated by his ultimate goal to take her back to the city, so technically he's still the bad guy. He's being strategic in dealing with her vulnerability.

He does have feelings tho, just like any real humans do, he's not just a cold cardboard anime guy who's completely unaffected by this hot alien chick sandwiched to his chest LMAO(^∀^)But he's not very expressive with his feelings (cos he's a dude lol). This will be explored in the next chapter, which is lookin good to be ready on Friday the 19th.

After these character chapters, the story will move faster in November.

Thank you for reading! (^-^)v




Super excited cause this epi lands on my birthday! I think the pacing is perfect. I definitely think these two should get to know each other more before things heat up between them. I can wait. I enjoy the angsty build up, makes the romantic scenes more satisfying and meaningful.


Glad to hear it! there's definitely alot of buildup woven in the story for the romance, especially cos both of them aren't particularly looking for love and just fall into this awkward situation lol. and yes, meaningful is the right word to describe it (^∀^)