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It will get a little dark until we reach the light at the end of the tunnel. There won't be any comic relief until we make a full loop to the first chapter (boo!! I know...) (;^_^A

Second update this month is in four days, and I'm still undecided about whether I should do a third short update this month, or just do a full length update on the first friday in July instead.
These few transitional chapters on the way to the prolog are not exactly a feel good chapter but it's crucial to the story. So I still dunno whether I should release 2 short updates, or one full length update to get this transitional chapters over with in less chapters.

Lemme know what's your general thought on half a chapter so I can take it into consideration ヽ(゚∀。)ノ



Nadene Berger

Hey Mo, I read into the fire today... It was another awesome chapter. I loved Norths logic here as he processes his best option's 1. get head blown off or 2.give them Cora...cause I'll just take her back anyway hahaha let's just say this man certainly doesn't lack in the confidence department or anywhere else for that matter ;0) it will be very interesting to see just how North handles these freelance bounty hunter's without his glove's. We already know he KO's mase dude. It will be fun to see how he handle's Cora without the gloves unless he's packing. extra lol I'm very excited were so close to the beginning of the story . Hope ur family time has been fun \•u•/


hey Nadene, thanks, glad you agree on his logic! I still have a few angry comments on North because I killed off Zander a while ago lol, but I think anyone who've read enough stories out there get the idea why I go with North instead of idealistically good character like Zander. Glad you enjoy it! and thank you for the best wishes!

Nadene Berger

At the end of the day its ur story an I completely understand why u chose North ova Zander! North I think has more depth as a main character. He's darkly mysterious unlike Zander. There are more unknown layers to North that I can't wait to see taken off lol


Glad to hear that you think North has a lot more depth as a main character! Zander was so stereotypical hero that it's a little boring imo