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Thank you for your patronage. Another Cora bathing shot wallpaper will be released tomorrow, followed by a non-spoiler sneak peek before the next chapter is up on Friday.

I plan to update at least 2x this month, on the 4th and the 18th.
A couple key things will happen this month in the story, and the prologue will start to make sense after you finish these two chapters.

I'm well aware that this biweekly also slows down the excitement considering how little time passed inside the webtoon in each episode vs 2 weeks in the real world (;^_^A
Back when I wrote the story, I planned to update weekly, but I grossly underestimated the time it takes to finish one chapter.
Biweekly is what I can manage for now, but that may change as I draw faster over time.
I'm currently doing 90-95% of the comic, with my flatter doing 5-10% of the basic repeatable tasks. At some point, I plan to hire another assistant who can do more than just flatting. Maybe at that point I will be able to update weekly to get this story moving faster ヽ(゚∀。)ノ

I'm almost done with this Friday's chapter, and will talk to my buddy to go thru my grammar tomorrow afternoon.

Thank you for reading!



Nadene Berger

Hey Mo, just popped by to see if u had sum new pics up. I'm so glad I did ;0) the moment I saw this pic again, my first thought was gee Cora's got herself in a pretty interesting position on top of North lol let's hope our man wakes up in time!!!

Nadene Berger

I'm very curious what u've got in store for Fri an also very excited, as u know I'm a HUGE FAN of ur art an story!