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They talk more on the next chapter, which reveals more about the dynamic on their first meeting.
The dialog is still on first draft right now and need to go thru a lot of polishing still. It should be a longer read than last chapter cos its not just fwoosh and blam lol.

These panels already done in color, but I have mixed feeling about posting sneak peek, cos sometimes I feel it can be too spoiler, so I just post the early black and white before the color is in. (^∀^)



Nadene Berger

I love the smile North's giving almost makes me feel like he's gained the upper hand on Cora, especially with the shocked look on her face. Its made me wanna know more! A good teaser 👍👍👍

Nadene Berger

Hahaha it's was mocking scarasum from Cora love it.