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Hiya! I don't usually do update posts like this but I thought I'd put out a quick update post just to say hi to my patrons old and new alike! Thank you to all of you who recently joined in on the fun. 😎 I appreciate ya! 

Patreon's pretty strict about "public" posts having any nudity in them so this post is patrons only as usual, but there's a nice HD PIC attached to the post πŸ˜‰ as a small bonus and a thank you for your patience while I continue working on the "Magical Meet Up" animation. 

As for the Magical Meet Up - It's going great. Right now I'm still working on the intro, outro (featuring a new character) and "solo" scenes that happen before and the after all the really juicy stuff.. πŸ”₯πŸ’¦ (Stuff which is now mostly finished! ahhh)

This is by far the biggest & longest thing I've ever made and I've learned a lot of new stuff while working on it. Once it's released I'll create a better flow of content that's a lot more consistent and less of a huge wait for one big thing! πŸ˜… Having said that I'm really happy with how it's going and I think it's something to be excited about! So stay tuned. πŸ’–

Speaking of fans.. One of my peachy patrons sent me a link to an amazing PMV tribute video they found! I wanted to share it here with you and say that I really appreciate this community and any of it's fan creations!! πŸ€— Thank you for making such a sweet and well edited tribute video. πŸ₯°πŸ˜ (Link below for anyone that wants to watch it)

Link: https://www.pornhub.com/view_video.php?viewkey=ph5e9cdb03568f1 

~Phew, that was steamy! ~

I also want to give a big shout out to the almighty "JOEL E" (lovely long time fan) for creating a fan-made discord server! πŸ’– You can join the fan community here by clicking the link:  https://discordapp.com/invite/nsd3N72 

Disclaimer: I'm not currently in the discord server myself but I do hope to join it eventually when I learn to manage my work/life balance. πŸ˜ŠπŸ‘

The world's a crazy place right now and many are having to adjust to new lifestyles and their living conditions, me included. Some of you lovelies have messaging to ask if I'm ok, and I want you to know that I'm mostly good and staying safe, so no need to worry about me. ❀ Thank you though for the kind messages. Please look after your wonderful selves and stay safe out there! 

Thank you for supporting both me and my peachy content! I'm gonna keep working hard on it and keep thanking you for being a great community! πŸ₯°




Joel E.

Glad your holding up during these weird times and I hope you stay healthy. New character...........


Once again, do stay safe! And you're doing your best!! Keep on pushing and never let up! Should you need someone to vent if the stress gets to you, I'm here in case you need to vent.


You too Mr! Thanks for the support. πŸ₯° And yes.. many more peachy characters to come in the future too!


Happy to see you are safe and doing well. Stay safe!


Wow! That was really steamy. Glad to hear you're doing well.


Hey, just wondering, do you have a place where all your full works are all located, or are you letting your fans do that for you?


Glad you're doing well! Do you have an eta on when this'll be done? The anticipation is killing me.


Officially, it's all here on Patreon! I know it's not the easiest to browse, but the tags at the top are a big help if you want to locate content quickly. πŸ™‚ If the patreon keeps growing I could eventually make an official website and host it all on there. But I hear that's a pretty costly thing to keep. I'll do some research and maybe it'll become one of the "goals". If you have any suggestions or tips from other creators then you're welcome to message me. πŸ˜„


Alright thanks for the quick reply! I was just thinking maybe a pastebin with the links to the patren posts and their titles, but of many people want a website, as you said, it might become a viable option


I'm glad to hear (read) you're safe... Keep doing your best with Magical Meet Up, I'm sure it will be great work ^_^

Leon K

Its always nice to get out of work and see a post from you <3.


Thank you for everything you have done for the community and bringing more fans together! I appreciate ya. ❀ I hope you're having a great day. ✌


I know I'm probably asking too much and won't get a reply, but it would still be the bomb if someone could drop me a link to the one animation where the dude removes the condom secretly. It's in the ph video even at around 5 seconds.

Joel E.

I got recognition from someone who's work i respect and the tease of something i have been hoping for a WHILE. Almost nothing can make today better.πŸ‘ Hope you can find your work life balance.


It's "Fan Meetup Surprise" from this post https://www.patreon.com/posts/peachypop34-13559611


jess is so hot bros...