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Hiya! I'm still alive and kickin'. It's been a busy month for me juggling a lot of work/personal stuff so sorry for the lack of updates! Everything's peachy though so please don't worry about me. πŸ˜ŠπŸ‘ There's quite a few goodies in the works here.. Two big interactive animations that I've been working on for a while. Instead of rushing them I thought I'd post a little preview here of the first one, coming soon. πŸ’–πŸ”₯ So look forward to that! (Click the attachment on the post to download the full preview image!) 

That's all for now! Next post should be the fully finished animation!

Thanks for your patience! Stay Peachy. πŸ‘

~ Jess X



Joel E.

I am looking forward to this but i am also worried that it might get the ban hammer. Good luck on everything you working on.


Thank you! I just commented on your "Community tab" post about this. I'll paste my response here for others to see too! 😊 Thanks again Joel! - If ANY art or animations containing certain characters get removed, then I'll re-make those animations with brand new beautiful characters in their place. ~ Jess might just have to introduce the fans to her fun-loving friends sometime soon... πŸ˜ŠπŸ‘


Hey Peachy! Whatever you're going through in your life, I hope it blows past or goes well! If anything goes bad, it'll become good soon! And if it is a good thing, it'll become better! Good luck! And do your best!!

Joel E.

Though I hope it dose not come to that, the idea of new characters dose excite me.


Man, that preview is looking real hot. Nice.


hell yes. take your time dude, appreciate your dedication to making it the best you can.


Well worth the wait