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Oh, boy. I'm behind on commission work, gearing up to get The Kinniku Kiss going again in late spring/early summer. So of course I decide to whip up more drawings. Am I an idiot?

Well, maybe. But there is a reason for this. A couple reasons, actually.

First off is inspiration. I was poking around the DA page of Pokkuti (I'm sure at least most of you are familiar with his comic series Magic Muscle, which is based on the anime/manga Fairy Tail). And I noticed that he'd been commissioned to whip up another comic FMG sequence, this time featuring characters from My Hero Academia. Tsuyu Asui is given some cake by her friends that have some...noticeable side effects. But...well, if I'm being honest, I felt like Tsu didn't get big enough for my tastes, so I decided to have some fun. But more importantly, I decided to do some more experimenting.

See, for me, lineart is the most painful part of drawing any given picture. It's extremely time consuming, especially in the case of detail intense characters. And that naturally includes muscular characters. I cannot draw smooth lines to save my life; my lineart tends to wiggle and wobble no matter how hard I try to stop it, so I wind up spend many long hours trying to get it down just right. Hence why I've been doing more and more experiments to see if I can find a way of getting it done faster without sacrificing quality in the process.

Hence I did a lot of experimenting here. I really started this picture a day or so ago, and here's where I am with it now. Clearly, it's not done, but...well, what do you all think thus far?

Edit: This pic is finally complete. Enjoy!
